pharmacy health

Saturday 29 August 2009

Fish Oils - Omega-3 For the Nutritionally Challenged (Last of 4)

After dealing with the Essential Fatty Acids, that brings me to that good ol' food supplement, Cod Liver Oil, and other fish oils. Yeah, they're good for you. They contain two non-essential Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which your body does need. 

Recent research in UK schools has shown that, because of a junky diet, a lot of kids have problems absorbing and converting what little of the essential fatty acid ALA they eat. So for them, fish oil supplements give a noticeable nutritional boost, and improve their health and concentration better than, say, supplementary flax oil, which is 40%+ ALA. Eating saturated and trans-fats (as in a lot of fast foods and margarines) blocks your take-up of ALA and most people are also vitamin and mineral deficient, so this result isn't surprising.

But if your levels of vitamins C, B3 and B6, magnesium and zinc (the cofactors for utilizing ALA) are fine, your body can make as much EPA and DHA as you need from ALA. My advice is to quit fish oil supplements. They taste foul, because they're usually rancid by the time you get them, and they're not worth the cost. Instead, eat oily fish once or twice a week. Eating the skin also doubles your oil intake. That'll ease the strain on your ALA requirement. 

The fish needs to be EPA and DHA rich, so farmed fish is rarely useful -- it's fed on junk food, not small fish and the sea creatures like shrimp and other plankton that feed on the algae, that give fish their good oils. The best fish to use is caught wild in waters as close to the poles as possible. Salmon, trout, herring and mackerel are typical species. Tuna isn't good -- it lives in warmer seas and has little of the Good Oils. Some parts of other sub-arctic fish are Good Oil rich -- that's why Cod Liver Oil is good. But it's usually rancid when you get it and Not Nice!

Do you really need fish oils?

If you are short of those five nutrients above and won't eat or supplement to get them, your body will find it hard to make your own EPA from ALA. In that case, you must have fish oil, or the new and currently limited-distribution algal-derived EPA/DHA oils, which are made from tank-bred algae of the kinds the fish feed on -- ideal for vegetarians. Though that'll leave you still ALA-deficient. Flax oil is the better choice.

I'll end this whole series with a quickie advice wrap-up.

You need ALA. Flax oil in your diet is the best source by far. A tablespoonful or two a day is good. You probably eat too much Omega-6 LA. Cut down till LA is no more than three times your ALA. Some fresh, wild-caught sub-arctic oily fish is a great supplement, though not vital if you eat plenty of ALA with its cofactors.So, which is for you? Bad Health -- ignore it all and pig out? Pop fish oil capsules (Ugh!) Or balance your diet and get ALA from flax oil?

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Friday 28 August 2009

Why Buy Organic?

Organic foods are better for your health and contain fewer toxins; they are the smarter grocery shopping alternative. Does the price tag turn you off? Sometimes in life we must make important choices, choices that involve where we really want to put our money. Why not invest in your health? It's a surefire winner. Nonetheless there are always great tips to get you the organic foods you need not want but, where it can still be easy on the pocketbook.

Organic products according to the USDA are foods whose ingredients cannot have been made using most synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetic engineering. There are so many reasons to eat organic foods such as to protect our future, to prevent soil erosion, to save energy, to protect our waters, and to keep toxins off of your food, thus out of your body.

Studies have shown that foods with hormones, pesticides have long term negative effects. There are so many diseases today that we have lost count. Many new ones arise on a daily basis. Do you want to be a new statistic in the ill department? We don't know all of the facts, but we do know that healthier is better so making the right decisions today can save your life tomorrow.

Purchasing organic products from local farmers can create abundance in your community and create a feeling of unity. You're entrusting your local farmer with your health and that's a huge responsibility. As I always say use caution with everything. Do your homework. Get involved. Organic products create change not just in your home, but your community.

Remember to:

• Do your research. There are many great store brand organic goods now available.
• There are many agriculture programs where you can buy a small share.
• Join a Sam's club or Costco.
• Buy large amounts when they are in season.
• Grow your own and involve the family.
• Shop online.
• Use the old fashioned method of clipping coupons.
• Adjust your grocery budget.

Good luck on your organic journey. Remember to ask questions, visit the message boards and blogs. Have fun with your nutritional changes and make informed decisions.


3 of Our Favorite "Superfoods" That Really Are Super!

Although I spent 25 years in the restaurant business, the time spent certainly did not make me an expert on nutrition. Regardless, I still get asked a considerable amount of questions on the subject with it's relation to food, as I am considered to be an "expert" on the subject by many of my peers simply because I was a chef for so long. I was having a conversation recently with a dinner guest and was asked about "Superfoods".

'Andrew, What the heck are "Superfoods"?' Here is some interesting and valuable info I found on the subject. Superfood is a term sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that some may believe confers health benefits as a result. For example, blueberries are often considered a superfood (or superfruit) because they contain significant amounts of antioxidants, anthocyanins, vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber. With that said, let's take a closer look at the Allium Family of "Superfoods".

The Allium Family - Considered by many experts to be a "Top 10" family of Superfoods.

Allium is the onion genus, with about 1250 species, making it one of the largest plant genera in the world. They are perennial bulbous plants that produce chemical compounds (mostly cysteine sulfoxide) that give them a characteristic onion or garlic taste and odor, and many are used as food plants. Allium is classified in family Alliaceae although some classifications have included it in the lily family (Liliaceae).

Today we will focus primarily on: Garlic, Onions and Leeks, which also includes Chives, Shallots and Scallions.

Garlic, onions, leeks and chives contain flavonoids that stimulate the production of Glutathione. Glutathione is a tripeptide (A tripeptide is a peptide consisting of three amino acids joined by peptide bonds) and is considered to be the liver's most potent antioxidant, protecting cells from toxins such as free radicals. Glutathione enhances the elimination of toxins and carcinogens, putting the Allium family of vegetables at the top of the list for foods that can help prevent cancer.

Here are just a few benefits from members of the Allium family:


* Lowers total cholesterol (but raises HDL-"good"-cholesterol)

* Lessens the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

* Lowers blood pressure

* Reduces the risk of blood clots (cause of the majority of strokes and heart attacks)

* Destroys infection-causing viruses and bacteria

* Reduces the risk of certain cancers, in particular, stomach cancers

* Produces more "natural killer" cells in the blood to fight tumors and infections

* Helps fight against neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's

* Enhances detoxification by reducing toxins

For optimum effect, eat garlic raw. Cooking can destroy some of the allicin compound, which is the active constituent.


* Inhibit the growth of cancerous cells

* Increase in HDL cholesterol (especially when eaten raw)

* Reduce total cholesterol levels

* Increase blood-clot dissolving activity

* Help prevent colds

* Stimulate the immune system

* Reduce the risks of diabetes

* Have antibacterial and antifungal properties

* Reduce the risk of certain cancers

* Help relieve stomach upset and other gastrointestinal disorders

Onions contain two powerful antioxidants, sulphur and quercetin. Both help neutralize the free radicals in the body, and protect the membranes of the body's cells from damage.


Leeks have all of the healthy properties of the Allium family as described above. However leeks also contain these nutrients:

* Vitamin B6

* Vitamin C

* Folate

* Manganese

* Iron

* Fiber

This particular combination of nutrients makes leeks particularly helpful in stabilizing blood sugar, since they not only slow the absorption of sugars from the intestinal tract, but help ensure that they are properly metabolized in the body. So, get out there and eat your garlic, onions and chives. Just remember to keep a breath mint handy! Besides, who doesn't like garlic and onions? I cannot even imagine a world without them!

Excerpts taken from and credit given to: Wikipedia and "Dr. Perricone's 10 Superfoods"


The Common Polyunsaturate - Linoleic Acid - The Omega-6 EFA (Second of 4)

LA is the key Omega-6 fatty acid. It's easy to get from a wide range of vegetable sources, so if you're already health-conscious you probably get more than the minimum you need for health -- in fact, you may get too much for good health!

Go for almost anything natural marked as polyunsaturated and you'll almost certainly be eating an LA-rich food. Foods particularly rich in it are any containing these oils:
Corn Cottonseed Grapeseed Hemp Soybean SunflowerThey're all 50%+ LA. Just don't go fanatic and overdose! Oils are bad for you in large amounts. You need only about a tablespoon of LA a day, under 20 grams, which is 2 tablespoons of the oils above. And a lot of other oils and manufactured foods you'll be eating contain a little LA -- it all adds up. Also note that if you eat much more Omega-6 than Omega-3, you'll run the risk of Omega-3 deficiency as your extraction enzymes are swamped with the Omega-6. See the next article in this series for more.

Refined oils

If the oil is refined (it will say if it's not, and most of these oils must be refined to extract the oil or kill bad flavors) then expect there to be less LA and more toxic refinery by-products. Keep away from cottonseed oil; from the huge use of pesticides cotton needs, there are toxic elements in it: not much, but enough if you value clean foods. Corn oil is only 4% in the cob. It has to be solvent extracted: do you like eating dry cleaning fluid? It's hard to totally remove it. 

Using LA-rich oils

You can use the oils any way you like except for frying (sort of OK if it's refined), as this destroys a lot of the essential fatty acids. Try adding it to soups, stews, hashes and curries, or using it in a salad dressing. Coconut, olive and palm oil are mostly mono-unsaturated and have little LA; they're better for frying.

Now you have to look at your diet and try to decide if you're eating too little or too much LA for good health, and make your own correction. In common Western diets, it could be either, though most people overdose on Omega-6. 


Fats in Your Diet

With all the hype about cholesterol and cutting out fats from our diets, people tend to forget that there are some fats we need. So it is important to distinguish between the healthy fats, the ones we should minimize and the ones to be totally avoided. Our diets should contain Omega-6 EFA's and Omega-3 EFA's. However the usual American diet has too many Omega-6 EFA's and a deficiency in Omega-3 EFA's. The ideal ratio of Omega 6 to Omega s is 2:1 or 4:1. However, in most cases the standard American diet has a ratio of 14:1 or 20:1.

Omega-6 EFAs are important in your diet and can be obtained from nuts, peanut butter, avocados, sesame seeds, and olive oil. However, the problem is that most people get an excess of Omega-6 EFAs but they don't get enough of Omega-3 EFA's. That creates the imbalance that is detrimental to one's health. This can be particularly significant in the case of people who have inflammatory type health problems such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, eczema, and acne. The imbalance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 promotes inflammation. Whereas proper intake of Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory effects.

Some research has suggested that people with rheumatoid arthritis can improve their condition by eating over two servings a week of salmon, mackerel, or sardines that are rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. And it also suggests that taking the fatty acids in capsule form can be beneficial as well. Other research has substantiated that the omega-3 fatty acids offer protection against atherosclerosis, and abnormal heart rhythms. These are among the top ten leading causes of death in people forty-five years and older in the United States.

The fats that should be minimized are the saturated fats derived from animal sources. The ones that absolutely should be avoided are trans fats or partially hydrogenated fats. In addition to increasing the risk of stroke and heart disease they are also associated with type 2 diabetes. To eliminate trans fats from their diets, people have to be food detectives. Very often a label will read 0 grams of trans fats.

However, the list of ingredients will include a partially hydrogenated oil. All partially hydrogenated oils are trans fats. And they are unhealthy in any amount.

Omega 3 has been useful in strengthening the immune system and promoting the health of the cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive system. Omega 3 is found in fish and particularly in the fatty fish such as sardines, salmon and mackerel. Flaxseed and flaxseed oil is a rich source of Omega 3. Flaxseeds also have a high lignan content. Lignans are powerful antioxidants that protect our bodies from damage by free radicals. Omega 3 has also proved to be beneficial in weight loss. For instance, if a person snacks on flaxseeds, the fiber helps to slow the emptying of the stomach. That delays the onset of hunger. The result is that the person feels full but has consumed fewer calories. And researchers have also discovered that when muscle cells are deficient in Omega 3, there is an increased risk of obesity.

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Snacking Yourself to Death

Did you know snacking could eventually be a matter of life or death? Good nutrition has everything to do with the way we snack. This is especially with baby boomers and seniors. As we age our appetites may increase from all kinds reasons, including hormones, mood swings, stress, and medications. We might feel like snacking a lot more. On the other hand, our appetites may decrease. From hormones, mood swings, stress, and medications. Or perhaps we're too busy. Or are bored and not busy enough. Or our senses change too. Maybe there's less money. Or a disinterest in cooking. Problems with teeth. On and on. Maybe we just don't feel like eating a full meal anymore, and what used to be appealing, isn't. Snacking happens. But what we choose to snack on is the real clincher.

As we age we may tend to eat smaller meals, even forget to eat sometimes, or just snack throughout the day. This, of course, can cause big-time elderly nutrition problems. Malnutrition, in fact, is one of the main reasons seniors who live alone or who feel isolated are admitted to the hospital. But it's not just elderly. Snacking has almost replaced regular meals, and nowadays people tend to snack on all the wrong stuff. Snacking has become practically a national pastime, and in conjunction with other pastimes as well...watching TV, sitting at the computer, grabbing something on the fly, going to a game, visiting friends, going to a party, club meetings, talking on the phone, even nibbling at work if we work. Snacking is pretty much taken for granted.

Yeah, yeah. We're heard or read all the hype on bad carbs, bad fats, bad sugars, bad calories, bad snacking. And we all know how these ingredients can seriously impact our health, and lead to death-causing diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, plus cancer. But we still do bad snacking. It's just simply really convenient. And our taste buds are conditioned out of habit to want such foods. These are emotional reasons, of course, and defy the logic of healthy eating vs. death threat eating. But habit and emotions are not logical. Despite all the information out there, people still ask, why is nutrition important.

It's obvious, especially to baby boomers and seniors whose bodies are changing and possibly developing health issues, that we need to take a close look at our snacking and re-think our options. Even small changes can help.

Here are a couple of easy and yummy healthy snack recipes to help get you started. I'm sure you've heard of free radicals in our bodies and how they cause disease. And that antioxidants in certain foods combat these free radicals. But who wants to eat all that broccoli, spinach and garlic. So ... make a really great trail mix snack that has a ton of the antioxidant foods in it. You can get these ingredients in the natural food section of your store. Any combination of them will do. You can find a lot of them in the bulk food bins. And really try to get ingredients without added sugar!

Antioxidant Trail Mix: -- Walnuts, pecans, filberts, pistachios, dried cranberries, dried goji berries, dried red cherries, dried blueberries, raisins. Mix it together, put it in a canister, and munch away! You may even find an already-made antioxidant mix in the bulk bins. Some natural food companies sell them.

Deluxe Grilled Cheese -- It's important to use a hearty whole grain bread and low-fat cheese. Very lightly butter the two pieces of bread as usual for making grilled cheese. Or olive oil can be spread on instead if you prefer. Add two slices of the low-fat cheese of your choice. Add a slice of tomato, a few spinach leaves or romaine lettuce, a sliced ring of red pepper, and optional avocado slices. Try a few pieces of walnuts or pecans (big in antioxidants) for a little crunch - it's great! You can also spread on a little salsa. Or include a slice of lean meat. Grill the sandwich in a pan on both sides, as usual. Serve with pickles and whole-grain tortilla chips.


Shocking News - Super Foods That Burn Body Fat, Some May Surprise You

Looking for a way to help your body burn off that stubborn Belly Fat ? You might be surprised to learn that there are actually some foods that can help Fire up your metabolism, burn body fat and help you lose weight.

Today you can see The effects of the Standard American Diet {SAD} more than ever. With obesity becoming a national health crisis and the medical problems associated with being over weight challenging our health care system having a sound nutritional plan is critical to helping maintain a healthy body weight.

Eating the right combination of these Super Foods can help turn up your metabolic furnace and burn off excess body fat. A solid nutritional plan should have a balanced approach and include a wide variety of foods. The right combination of protein, carbs and fats, and yes FATS are essential will help your body turn fat into fuel.

1. Lean protein- Plan meals that include Lean Beef {Grass Fed}, chicken and wild caught fish. Lean protein takes longer for your body to break down and will help you feel full longer. Protein is also an important building block for your body to repair cellular damage caused by everyday bodily functions.

2. Eggs- Both whole eggs and eggs whites are an excellent food to help your body burn fat. Eggs are high in Omega 3's and can actually help to raise your GOOD cholesterol and help to balance proper cholesterol ratios.

3. Avocados- These are LOADED with healthy fats, fiber and vitamins and minerals. To FIRE UP your metabolism include a couple of slices of avocados on your salads and sandwiches. Avocados are great for making dips that can spice up just about any meal.

4. Olive Oil- Another fat that helps your body turn fat into fuel. Get a good Virgin Olive oil to use for all types of cooking. Remember, moderation is the key when incorporating fats in your nutrition plan.

5. Apples- Apples are another of natures Super Foods, they are full of fiber, vitamins and minerals. They are inexpensive, quick to prepare and can be used as a side dish, garnish or cut up and mixed into cereal or top your salad with a few apple slices.

Make no mistake about it, eating the proper balance of foods will turn on your body's natural ability to burn excess fat and change your body into a fat burning machine!


The Perils of a White Trash Diet

According to the latest statistics from the United States' Center for Disease Control (CDC):
66% of adults age 20 years and over are overweight (including obese) 32% of adults age 20 years and over are obese 17% of adolescents age 12-19 years are overweight 19% of children age 6-11 years are overweight

Those are really horrifying statistics. We have become an oversized bunch of people, but we lie to ourselves to try to find peace with it by saying things like: "I'm comfortable with the way I look," "I'm not as big as she is," or joke about it by saying "I'm shakin' what my Momma gave me." I have news: your Momma did NOT give you that. But she may have given you some bad eating habits.

There's no magic bullet behind weight gain, and there's a myriad of reasons for why we may suffer from it more or less than those around us. But there is some simple advice and nutritional knowledge I can give you that can help you. Since most people don't like to read loooooong articles, I'm just going to keep this as simple as I can:

1. Stop Eating White Trash!

White trash is typically refined sugar, white bread, white buns, bagels, white rice, white flour, tortillas, white potatoes, white corn, etc. But I like to expand this definition to include what foods I'd expect to find at a typical American BBQ (I call it the "White Trash BBQ"): hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, macaroni salad, fried chicken, potato chips, fries, baked beans (sugar!), corn on the cob (metabolizes down as sugar and starch!), and then - of course - the pies, cakes and muffins for dessert. And the beer and sodas to wash it all down with.

The first glaring mistake with these white trash foods is that many of them are not "food" at all. They're refined and processed, taking nutrients out in some cases (to preserve shelf life), adding synthetic nutrients back in, adding nitrates and nitrites as preservatives, sugars, corn syrup, etc. While many of us will avoid butter or real Mayonnaise in the attempt to lose weight, we still will eat these other non-food offenders all the time. At least our bodies know how to handle a "real fat" or "real food" such as butter. With adulterated food products, our body has difficulty knowing what to store and what to burn.

The second glaring mistake with the white trash foods is that most of them metabolize high on the Glycemic Index and elevate your blood sugar, thereby triggering insulin to be released in your body; in turn telling your body to store any excess as fat or to create new fat cells. This response occurs BEFORE you ever get to the gym. So next time you think you'll be burning it off at the gym later on, remember that your body is busy storing it hours earlier.

Since your body isn't getting the right nutrients from "whole" foods (unadulterated, non-processed, non-canned, non-processed), it holds onto every bit that it can.

2. Know the health-history of what animal you're eating.

Do you know if you salmon was farmed, pumped with antibiotics and fed corn-feed and given pink food coloring? Many farmed salmon are. The vast majority. Are your chickens injected with saline to plump them up or (again) fed with corn feed and caged so they can't move (so they gain weight quickly), and pumped with hormones and antibiotics? Be sure... sometimes they're raised without the antibiotics, but they're pumped with them en route to the meat processing plants.

Same with beef. It's still America's favorite meat. But the vast majority of cows are kept in pens and fed only corn feed - AGAIN with the corn. They're kept confined so they gain weight quickly. They continually feed on what is NOT a part of their natural diet. They are brought to full weight within 1 year (by making them obese) so they can be slaughtered BEFORE they die from the ulcers they receive on the corn feed diet (which, as I said, is not a part of their normal way of eating).

So we eat obese and sickened animals. It's no wonder that we are sick and obese ourselves!

The reason why this is so important also, is because of toxins and how they relate to fat cells and obesity. I was working in a Women's Fitness center recently, and EVERYONE there wanted to lose weight. But their eyes would cross if I told them they had a glaring gallbladder problem. So I know that to get people to listen, the "weight is the bait" -- and so I'm going to tell you now why you should care about the health of the animal you're eating.

Simply and succinctly put, toxins are stored in fat cells. Those two things are married. So if you can de-toxify yourself, you will have an easier time losing weight. Women - pay attention to this: we carry a higher percentage of fat in our bodies naturally. So we are even MORE susceptible to toxin storage. And again, it creates the vicious cycle of difficulty and/or inability to lose weight. Meats have a higher percentage of fat, and are therefore more important to pay attention to when considering its origins.

It is also widely believed (by myself included) that these stored toxins are largely responsible for many of the cancers in our reproductive organs.

I'm not a vegetarian myself, but I do advise people to take caution when buying their meats. This is a huge reason why we have such a sickened society. We demand cheap foods, but we are most definitely getting what we pay for. Believe me, I'm very budget conscious myself these days and I can't always buy the highest, elite quality of food. But I HAVE decided to cut down a bit on meat so that I can eat better qualities of it.


As more and more people in the USA are exposed to the truth about the food supply, the vendors listen and give us what we want. We have more access to Organic foods than ever; we have Farmer's Markets, we have the internet so these things like "unhealthy farming practices" are no longer a secret for very long. We can go to our local Trader Joe's and request grass-fed beef. We can easily find "cage free/allowed-to-graze" chicken. The more people demand it, the more the economics of supply and demand will bring the prices to a more affordable range.

But awareness is key, and we must make the changes ourselves AND tell our families and friends... that way, we not only encourage each other and gain support, but we create the kind of demand for healthier foods that will help our bodies be able to metabolize better.


In conclusion, those are 2 simple things you can do immediately for your health and the health of all your loved ones: eating foods in their natural states (more vegetables of all kinds & colors - not white trash!), and being conscious of the health of the animal who's meat you're eating.

Guarding your diet on both those fronts addresses two KEY issues behind difficulties in losing weight for just about absolutely everyone: insulin and toxins. I guarantee you that if you follow those two tips, it's worth more than all the calorie counting, food weighing and lap-band surgeries in the world.

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Eat Healthy - Nutritional Labels - How to Read, Analyze and Understand - Part 1

The first step in ensuring that your family and you maintain a healthy way of eating is to be able to read, analyze and most importantly, to understand the nutritional labels on the food products you purchase. Reading and analyzing nutritional labels might be a hassle and an embarrassment (for some) when you have to do it in a supermarket at the beginning but, once you're use to it...believe me it's not as bad as it sounds!!

I will be referring to the sample nutritional label of Macaroni & Cheese (courtesy of US FDA) throughout this article thus it might be easier if you could print out the word document prior reading further.


This is the top most section of a nutritional label, and is the first thing you'll have to look at to understand the label. It's important to know the difference between Serving Size and Serving Per Package.

Serving Size is a standard measurement. It is always presented in familiar units such as in cups, pieces, bottles and etc followed by the relevant metric values such as grams, milligrams, litres and etc.

On the other hand, Serving Per Package refers to the specific's food content in terms of the Serving it 2 times the Serving Size or 4 times the Serving Size? Well, let's look at the nutritional label above. This is a sample label of a Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Food package. says that the Serving Size is 1 cup (228g). And the Serving Per Package is 2 times the Serving Size. So...what does this mean? It tells us that the whole Macaroni & Cheese package is 2 times the Serving Size i.e the package if actually 2 cups or 456g (228g x 2) in weight.

The nutritional information and the amount of calories presented in Sections 2,3 and 4 of the nutrition label (refer to the above label) are based on the Serving Size of 1 cup or 228g of Macaroni & Cheese. Therefore, if you were to consume the entire pack of this Macaroni &'ll be consuming twice the calories and nutrients displayed in the label.

Serving Size is essential when you compare different foods. For example...let's say there was another frozen food package Chicken Pie, and you're in the midst of deciding which would be a healthier choice for'll have to use the Serving Size as your comparison basis. Compare the calories and nutrients of 1 cup of Macaroni & Cheese with the calories and nutrients in 1 cup of Chicken Pie!! If the Chicken Pie contains more nutrients and less calories per cup than the Macaroni & Cheese...then it's obvious that you should purchase the Chicken Pie.


Section 2 of the nutritional label displays the Calories Information of ONE Serving Size of the food. This tells you how much of energy will you obtain from the consumption of one serving of the food.

Calories from fat tells the portion of calories which is contributed by fat. For example, from ONE cup (228g) of Macaroni &'ll obtain 250 calories. And of that, 110 calories are contributed by fat. Can you imagine that? Almost half the calories are from fat...and that's only if you consume 1 cup of Macaroni & Cheese. If you ate the whole package i.e 2 cups of Macaroni &'ll be putting 220 calories from fat into your system!!


Section 3 and 4 of the nutritional label displays the nutrient information. Section 3(yellow coloured) shows the types of nutrient which should be consumed in moderate, while the nutrients listed in Section 4 displays the nutrients that should be consumed in abundance.

Generally, we take in the nutrients in Section 3 beyond what our body needs and consume very little nutrients in Section 4. This may cause heart diseases, malnutritions and etc.

We'll talk about the recommended intake of each nutrient and its effect on the body in another article. For now...let's just try to learn the nutritional label first...

According to the above label...1 cup (228g) of Macaroni & Cheese contains 12g of total fat, 3g of trans fat, 30mg of cholesterol and 470mg of sodium. If you ate the entire pack, you would have taken twice these amounts...i.e 24g of total fat, 6g of trans fat, 60mg of cholesterol and 940mg of sodium.

As you can see, the values of the nutrients displayed in Section 4 are not in metric values but are in percentage of the daily value. Therefore to analyse the metrical value of these nutrients, you will need to first familiarize yourself with the meaning and impact of daily values.


The asterisk (*) beside the Daily Value in the nutritional label brings us to the footnote. Well, the footnote basically exist to inform you that the Daily Values (in percentages) beside the nutrients displayed in Section 3 and 4, are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. This statement (highlighted in yellow) appears in all food products and is the same for any kind of food. According to research, most of us are only required to consume 2,000 calories a day!!

However, you'll not find the amounts circled in red in all nutritional labels...they are commonly omitted from small nutritional labels. These are the Daily Values (DV) for each nutrient listed and are based on the public health experts' advice. Daily Values are the recommended levels of nutrients intakes on a daily basis. We'll discuss more on the recommended level of nutrients in the next article.

For example, it says that the DV of sodium for a 2,000 calorie diet is 2,400mg. This basically means that you are only recommended to consume 2,400mg of sodium in a day. And this is equivalent to one teaspoon of salt!! I'm sure that's a shock!!

The DVs of those who need more calories a day...such as construction workers, tractor drivers and etc..will however be higher.


How does daily values and %daily values relate to each other? Well...based on the above nutritional label, the recommended daily value of nutrients are equivalent to 100% daily value. Let's take the Daily Value of total fat for instance. It says that the DV of total fat is 65g, making 65g the 100% of total fat that you can consume a day.

Now...look at the DV (%) displayed beside each of the nutrients in Section 3 & 4...and search for the total fat nutrient. What do you see? One cup of Macaroni & Cheese contains 12g of total fat...which if described in a percentage...would be 18% (12g/65g x 100%). That's how you obtain the DV(%) of 18% for total fat.

Let's try another nutrient...cholesterol. The recommended DV for cholesterol is 300mg. Now look at how much of cholesterol will you consume if you ate one cup of Macaroni & Cheese...30mg...thus when this is described in would be 10% (30mg/300mg x 100%). Voila!! do you analyse the daily value and daily value(%) when deciding your purchase?

Simple...since you are informed that the recommended amount of total fat to be consumed in a day is limited to 65g...try not to exceed this amount!! If you consumed one cup of Macaroni & would have taken 18% of the daily total fat, leaving you with only 82% to consume. That's about 53g of fat which you would easily exceed through consuming other fried foods, rice, pasta and desserts!!

It's even worse when you eat the whole package of Macaroni &'ll be consuming twice the total fat...i.e 36% of your daily total fat limit, which only leaves a room of 64%.

These information allows you to plan your meals in a healthier way. If you decide to enjoy something fatty for lunch, you can decide to eat low fat food during your dinner to stay within the total fat daily value. You don't need to let go off your favorite foods to be healthy!!

We'll exercise reading and understanding nutritional labels in the next article. Together with that I'll discuss about the importance of knowing the ingredients of the food products. Please feel free to comment on my articles at my blog.

diet hylpropion news

Healthy Eating When You Don't Like to Cook - Top Ten Healthy Eating Tips With Nothing to Prepare

In these healthy eating tips, there is nothing to cook, clean, or prepare. Improve your health and wellbeing when you add these no-work healthy foods into your regular diet.

We know that healthy eating means more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods protect against cancer and other illnesses through vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, and phytochemicals ("plant chemicals"). What are some easy ways for busy people to eat healthy foods with no compromises?

1. Almost all fresh fruit is ready to eat. It is easy to carry to work or in the car. Just rinse beforehand (an apple) or peel as you eat (a banana).

2. Prepared raw vegetables are readily available in many supermarkets. Prewashed bags of salad, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower florets, pea pods, and medleys are common. Supermarket delis frequently have plates of prepared raw vegetables, including carrots, celery, radishes, green pepper and others, and supermarkets nearly always carry premade salads.

3. Dried fruit is a healthy substitute for candy. Raisins, prunes, dates, and figs are as sweet as candy; unlike candy, dried fruit contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, and unique phytochemicals. I suggest organic dried fruit, which does not contain allergy-causing sulfites and is grown and shipped without pesticides.

4. Nothing is more convenient than bread. Supermarket bread made from white flour, high fructose corn syrup, and trans fats can't be considered healthy, but additive-free whole grain bread is full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Healthy bread is whole-grain "real" bread from the natural food store or a specialized bakery.

5. Healthy fats are unfortunately not the fats commonly found in bakery, chips, and other processed food. However, it is easy to buy and use healthy fats. On salads: unrefined flax seed oil or extra virgin olive oil. On veggies: butter, unrefined coconut oil, or nut butters. Don't forget the avocado, a delicious and very healthy fatty fruit.

6. Nuts in the shell are as fresh as nature intended. Their healthy protein and fat make a terrific energy-boosting snack.

7. At juice bars, you can get freshly made fruit and vegetable juices. Freshly made juice retains all its vitamins, including vitamin C, unlike canned and bottled juices, which lose nutrients during processing.

8. Wheatgrass juice is available at many juice bars and also in frozen and powdered forms. This dark green juice, pressed from the young blades of wheat and barley, is a nutrition powerhouse.

9. Special juices widely available in bottles include pomegranate, blueberry, acai, goji, and mangosteen. Look for 100% juice products without sweeteners, added flavors, or additives. (Dilute with water or other juices if desired.) These "superjuices" contain so much concentrated nutrition that even small amounts are refreshing, satisfying, and highly nutritious.

10. And, finally, drink plenty of water.

You may find immediate benefits from healthy foods. In addition, you can be assured, when you discover your own favorite tastes, that healthy eating is its own reward.


Living and Raw Food Diets

Evidence has shown that unheated plant-based foods are known to carry more of a food's essence within them. They contain a wider range of essential food nutrients with live enzymes that aid food nutrient absorption. The usual raw food selection include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, grains, legumes, herbs and spices as well as seaweeds, microalgae and fresh juices. Also included are dehydrated or dried fruits, vegetables and herbs. They were found to support the needs of human bodily functions better than their cooked version.

The mere act of heating food destroys many of its helpful enzymes. As the heat goes up to 106 degrees, food enzymes start to degrade. While all cooked foods still carry important food nutrients, they are practically devoid of the beneficial food enzymes which happen to support virtually all of the important functions of our body's systems. Furthermore, the act of cooking the food causes changes to the molecular structure of food, which renders it to become toxic. In this light, the level of nutrients sourced from raw foods is enormously higher than the nutritive values they deliver when they are cooked.

The Raw Food Diet Philosophy

A diet based on raw foods also known as raw diet is presented as an effective solution to man's addiction to cooked and processed foods. The convenience and ease of preparation of cooked dishes and processed foods managed to gradually make them become staples of modern diet. Give the busy schedules that most working people are living these days, the turn for more convenient meals and food options is inevitable. With that, people have lost grip of the importance of nutrition, putting convenience and ease on their meal planning priority.

The result of this sudden shift to fast foods, instant foods and cooked foods is evident on the medical reports that we read on the newspaper and internet. The medical community ranks obesity, heart disease and cancer as the leading cause of deaths. In fact, these diseases share common grounds. Aside from genetics, these diseases are more commonly caused by bad food choices.

Raw and living foods make up 75% of the food eaten by man. All of the known diets followed by man involve raw foods in hope of enjoying the benefits delivered by food enzymes. Food enzymes are considered life force. To its number of significant health benefits, the most important would be their role in aiding food digestion, which ultimately results to more energy, strengthened immune system and generally a full life.

Living foods naturally have fewer saturated fat or trans fat and low in sodium compared to a typical Western diet. They promote better digestion thanks to live food enzymes; it sufficiently meets the recommended daily vitamins and minerals as well as caloric allowance needed by the body. Since they more efficiently deliver many of helpful plant chemicals such as phytochemicals and their antioxidant and anti-cancer components, they help improve the conditions of people who have heart and cholesterol problems. As a result, raw food-ist or people who follow raw diet reduce their risk of developing diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart problems.


The benefits of raw diet are practically boundless. The diet would bring in more benefits with organic food selections. Being easier to digest and chemical-free has its advantages. For one, it optimizes the energy sourced from food given that it needs minimal bodily effort to be digested. In delivering more of the essential nutrients and amino acids that are vital to healthy growth, the diet helps alleviate many of the common illnesses such as allergies, digestive disorders, weak or weakened system and high cholesterol. It also promotes faster and proper healing in promoting cell rejuvenation and regeneration, which also prevents cancerous cells from turning healthy cells into malignant cells. In addition, raw diet also supports natural body detoxification processes.


While raw diet is extremely healthy, it is not ideal for children, pregnant or nursing women, and people with anemia or those who are at high risk of developing osteoporosis. In following raw diet, there is a possible risk of for calcium, iron, Vitamin B12 and protein deficiency. To prevent nutrient deficiencies, careful attention must be given in selecting the living foods to complete the body's needed nutrient levels. With that, one needs to be committed to be healthy while on raw diet. Getting more exposure on other food sources is advised. This way, you can add variety to your usual raw and living foods selection.


Save Money - 4 Great Tips For Packing an Easy & Healthy Lunch

One of the happy side effects of a down economy is creativity. In our efforts to make our dollars stretch these days, many folks are finding fun and healthy alternatives for everyday living. A quick drive to the store has been replaced with a bike ride. Families are spending time together playing in the park or watching movies at home. And now our midday meal is getting a healthy makeover as well. The packed lunch is back and better than ever. Today's healthy lunches are packed with flavor, color and texture and are easy on our debit cards. Here are some healthy ways to move beyond the sandwich and carrot sticks.

Vary the Veggies

Carrots are great, but switch it up with some jicama sticks. Jicama is a wonderful treat in a lunch bag. Cut into sticks the size of french fries, jicama can be drizzled with a little lime juice and a touch of cayenne. Think about adding some lightly salted edamame to your lunches. If you want a super speedy veggie for your lunch, go for a frozen vegetable medley. Today's lunch bags have reliable seals and separate compartments, so get creative. Toss together your favorite frozen veggies and some seasonings and you're done. It's ready to microwave when you get to work.

Wrap Stars

Sandwiches are great, but not every day. Think about a wrap instead. Tortillas are a wonderful complement to a variety of fillings: cream cheese and jalapenos, leftover beans and rice, or simply lunchmeat and cheese. But don't limit yourself to tortillas. Try making a wrap with large lettuce leaves or rice paper. Fill a rice paper spring roll with meat, veggies, rice noodles and teriyaki sauce. Then you have a lunch to look forward to!

Souper Savers

Thrifty cooks know that soups are one of the healthiest, low-cost menu items in their repertoire. Leftover meats and veggies find new life in tasty soups and stews. A good, leak-proof thermos will keep your brothy delight warm and wonderful for your midday meal. This is one of the easiest lunch options when paired with a whole-wheat roll.

The Best Lunch Bag

The best lunch can go awry in an unprotected plastic baggie. Look for a quality lunch bag that fits your tastes. If soup and a roll is your favorite, you'll need a reliable thermos. For variety, sealable compartments are great to have. To make sure you'll want to keep using your lunch bag, choose one that's easy to clean. As in most things, the right tool makes the job easier.

Take out lunches are typically expensive, greasy and full of questionable ingredients. A healthy homemade lunch is one of those thrifty solutions that is actually better than its "convenient" counterpart. Be creative and have fun. Have a happy lunch!


Wednesday 26 August 2009

Very Cherry Expectations

The cherry has never been accused of not having a purpose. No matter what form they take - fresh, frozen, dried powdered or concentrated they have been enjoyed throughout the ages. For ancient Romans the cherry was a source of food; Native Americans used the cherry as a source for artistic colorings and natural pain relief.

Over the past decade, the tart cherry, especially the Montmorency tart cherry, has become more than a source of nutrition and pleasure. As more food scientists look at the cherry they are learning how this ruby red fruit helps to fight inflammation in the body and fight gout and arthritis pain in joints.

Need for Color:

Naturally occurring compounds in tart cherries, especially the Anthocyanins may prevent joint pain due to gout and arthritis. Over 300 different types of Anthocyanins have been discovered to date. According to research, the Anthocyanins naturally found in the cherry are like Cox-1 and Cox-2 inhibitors. These naturally occurring antioxidants may offer the same benefits of the OTC drugs like aspririn.

Need for Sleep:

Even small amounts tart cherries contain naturally occurring Melatonin. According the Dr. Russell Reiter from the University of Texas, San Antonio, the cherry is natures leading source of melatonin. Melatonin helps to regulate the body's sleep pattern and help with sleepiness at night and wakefulness during the day.

One's Enough:

One glass of cherry juice concentrate or a daily serving of tart cherry capsules can help to relieve joint pain due to gout and arthritis. For gout sufferers the anti-oxidants in the Montmorency cherry help to dissolve the uric acid crystals that form in the joints. The cherry helps to block the pain signals to the brain due to the natural occurring Anthocyanins. So helping yourself to a daily serving of the cherry is an excellent way to get its natural health benefits. Traverse Bay Farms offers a complete selection of tart cherry products including cherry juice concentrate, tart cherry capsules and dried cherries.

So if you are interested in fighting joint pain and getting a good night's sleep a daily dose of tart cherry may be exactly what you are looking for.


Drinking Water Safety - Why Should I Be Worried?

Drinking water safety has to be one of the most important concerns for you and your family.  You provide water with the evening meal instead of squash or pop.  You give the children water in their containers for school.  You are looking after your family's health right?  Well you might actually be doing them a dis-service and making them ill by the water you are giving them.

It doesn't really make sense to say that water is bad for you, when all the professional advice is to drink more water.  Well I'm not saying that water is bad for you but what I'm saying is that we need to be very careful with the type of water that we are drinking.

Unfiltered Water

Drinking water faucets - be it  from all the taps in your house, or from a water faucet outside carry hundreds of nasty particles that enter the body each time we drink, or eat food that is cooked in un-filtered water.

A special water conference held in America earlier this year invited the top professors and scientists to discuss the concerns about our drinking water safety and they confirmed the urgent need to clean it up.

The cost of this operation would be phenomenal and so the only real avenue left open to you and me is to make sure that we filter our water before we drink it.

Filtered Water

All household water has some kind of filtration but you would be very surprised to find out just how many unknown substances are still floating around by the time it reaches the entry point of your home.  One such compound is rocket fuel.  How dangerous is that?

The only way to ensure pure water is to filter it yourself.  There are different types of filters.  Some work better than others and there are also different types of filtration units. 

What you want is a unit that will give you clean pure water without stripping it of the essential mineral salts such as calcium.

I will not use drinking water faucets outside anymore.  I always carry my own glass or stainless steel water container full of my own filtered pure healthy water.

Now you know the difference between the adverse health problems that you can get from unfiltered water and the health benefits from filtered water it is time for you to make a choice.

If you want to get on the healthy track and have total peace of mind then there is only one way for you to go.  Drinking water safety.

To learn more about the types of filters available and which ones work best and why, visit my website today - without delay.  It is you and your family's health that is at stake here.

sexuality health

Benefits of 5-A-Day Fruits in Our Daily Diet

The Mediterranean diet has long been considered to be the optimum diet for the human heart given it includes plenty of fresh fruit. WHO guidelines recommend that each of us should aim to eat at least five portions of different fruit or vegetables on a daily basis. A portion of fruit constitutes a single fruit such as an Apple, a small cup of fruit such as grapes or raspberries, or a glass of pure fruit juice. It is okay to include dried, tinned and frozen fruit as part of your five a day but be careful with tinned fruits given they are frequently sweetened with syrups and in many cases contains less vitamin C. Wherever possible purchase fruit that has been canned in its own juices without the addition of extra sugars.

Fruit itself is an excellent source of antioxidants examples which are bioflavonoid and vitamin C all helping to protect us against degenerative diseases, heart disease and cancer are good examples. Fruit is also low in calories and is therefore an exceptional foodstuff for anybody attempting to lose weight.

Fresh fruit and fruit juices provide most of our regular intake of vitamins C, with citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and tangerines being the most important sources. Other providers of vitamins C in our diets include kiwifruit, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, mangoes and papayas. Fruits with a deep yellow or orange flash good examples are apricots, mangoes and cantaloupe melons, obtain their colour from an yellow orange pigment known as beta carotene, otherwise known as the plant form of vitamin A.

This, it is understood, helps to protect us against free radicals and some have suggested even cancer. The majority of fruits are also rich in potassium which is especially true of bananas and dried fruits. Potassium works to regulate our blood pressures and it also works in tandem with sodium to regulate the body's fluid balance. Other reasons why fruit is so valuable in our diets is because it contains both soluble and insoluble fibres. Insoluble fibres help to prevent constipation and are also connected with a reduced risk of colon cancer whereas soluble fibres have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels.

Citrus fruits and indeed dried fruits such as dates, figs, raisins and apricots are also particularly good sources of fibre in our diets. There are many benefits to including the proportions of fruit in your diet including vitamins C, antioxidants and potassium with the only notable drawback is that fruit juices can contribute towards tooth decay. That said, this is a small price to pay for a healthy body utilising a balanced diet of fruit.


Low GI Food Ideas

Losing Weight The Intelligent Way

By now you've heard every type of diet from the cabbage diet to the wool sox diet and they all stink. Every fad comes and goes whilst the participants end up heavier than they did proir to their enlightening.

Diets Suck

Yeah they do and you know they suck. Frankly I've only ever seen a couple of eating plans that I ever could stick to for life and they weren't healthy ones. What I love about the whole Low Glycemic thing is that the foods are sensible and the whole way you go about it is intelligent - So long as you are.

Low Glycemic (Low GI)

Basically if a food is low in GI then it doesn't have much of an impact on your blood sugar, which means it won't give you sugar lows and energy deficits.

Another great aspect of these great Gi Foods is that they are all tasty, healthy and natural foods - Which I believe are the best things that you could put into your body.

Fat Burning

Without going into the finer details, when you eat bad carbs you release insulin to stabilise your blood sugar - Insulin stops fat burning dead in it's tracks. Your body burns roughly 30% of it's calories as body fat, but when you eat High Gi insulin releasing foods, then forget fatburning - In fact kiss it goodbye.

When you consume a low Gi rich diet, your body is always burning it's stores of fat for energy as your insulin is kept under control.

Some Great Low GI Foods

Soy beans

These little gems are some of the best foods in the world and the good news is they can keep your energy levels in check and advance your weight loss efforts sensibly.

Some high fat foods will have low gi's but it worth noting that fat slows down carbohydrate processing in the body so it can be misleading.

An example would be a block of butter (high fat) mixed with a cup of sugar and being called a low GI food - Which it would be, but only because it's loaded with fat.

It's best to stick to low gi natural foods such as grains and fruits as these can't be tampered with to trick you like some low gi chocolate bars that are only low gi because they are fatty.

Choose low glycemic carbohydrates and enjoy them as the majority carbohydrate source in your diet, the best thing is that they really are quite enjoyable foods.


The Unique Benefits of Flax Seed Oil

Flax seed oil can assists in weight loss and in an overall improvement in your health. As oppose to many other supplements, it is natural and when taken in reasonable doses has no long term detrimental side effects. So, if you are having trouble reaching your fitness goals, supplementing with the oil may be just what you need.

As for why it is effective, it first helps to know about two specific types of essential fatty acids: Linoleic acid and Alpha-linolenic acid.

Linoleic acid is an unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid that is found in all of the typical oils used in cooking and also in most of the foods that you eat. As such, it is abundantly found in any typical diet.

Alpha-linolenic acid, on the other hand, is an omega-3 fatty acid. The oils and foods that contain this fatty acid is not part of the typical diet, and not surprisingly, is deficient in most diets. Since flax seed oil is rich in omega-3, this is where the oil comes into play.

Why Omega-3 is needed?

As stated above, omega-3 is an essential fatty acid. One of its greatest importance has to do with brain cells. This fatty acid is essential in the development of brain cells in small children, as well as for the continued healthy functioning of brain cells in adults.

Besides being important for cells in your brain, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help block the storage of fat, act as an anti-catabolic and anti-inflammatory, improve insulin sensitivity, and increase beta oxidation, which is important for fat burning.

Flax Seed Oil

Given the benefits of omega-3 and the fact that it is an essential part of your diet, a first-rate source is desirable, which is why flax seed oil is so important.

Flax seed oil is one of the richest sources of omega-3, having six times more of the fatty acid than soybean oil. Also, the oil is highly unsaturated, which means that it is easily damaged when exposed to light, heat or oxygen. To prevent this, the oil is packaged in black plastic bottles and is kept in the refrigerator section of natural food stores.

And because heat damages the oil, it is not good for frying or sauteing. Some typical ways of using the oil is as a base for salad dressing, mixing it with dips, or simply taking a spoonful daily.

So, to experience the health benefits that omega-3 provides, add flax seed oil to your diet. Doing so may be just the ticket you need to take your health to the next level.


How to Find the Best Fish Oil Capsules

In this day and age you have to be very careful when you're out there trying to find the best omega-3 DHA supplement. In this article you'll learn exactly how I found the best fish oil capsules. I've done many years of research into different supplements, and it took me awhile to find the supplement that I now use daily.

How to Avoid Contamination and Poisoning

The first thing you want to look for in the best fish oil capsules is the amount of contamination, because if you buy just any supplement out there, you might be buying something that has already gone rancid and is full of toxic metals.

This has the exact opposite effect that you want. Rancid oils will promote disease, inflammation and free radicals in your body. The good news is that you can find the best fish oil capsules by looking at the certificate of analysis that the company provides for their DHA omega-3 fish oil supplement.

If the company that you are intending being to buy from doesn't give out this information, you should run to another company that is more transparent and trustworthy. The best products will have independent government approved laboratory data on their supplements.

How to Find the Best Sources of Fish

Recent studies show that a fish called Hoki that lives just off the coast of New Zealand contains one of the highest levels of DHA and is one of the reasons why health conscious people are buying supplements that contain as much Hoki as possible.

There are not yet many companies out there that blend Hoki with high-quality tuna oil. When Hoki and tuna oil are combined they seem to have a synergistic effect. Scientists do not yet know why this happens and they've decided to call it the X-factor.

When these two oils are combined the anti-inflammatory properties double. This means that you will be getting two times the health benefits than before if you can find the best fish oil capsules that contain both Hoki and tuna oil.


Colour, Sunshine and Sleep

What do "Colour, Sunshine and Sleep" have in common?

Nothing is more effective then lifting your mood with sunshine, a natural anti-depressant! Sunlight is our main provider of light, heat and energy. Light consists of the seven colour energies: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colours have each a different wavelength and vibrational frequency, which hold various attributes and affect us differently. Science has proven that certain colours can calm the mind while others stimulate mental activity.

Light is colour nutrition for the body and our general well-being. Colours physically affect organs, glands and hormones; therefore they influence our mood and feelings.

Did you know that it's important for your wake/sleep pattern to be out in the daylight a minimum of 2 hours per day? And that you absorb light as a nutrient through your eyes? Synthesis and secretion of melatonin (the sleep hormone) is dramatically affected by light exposure to the eyes. Daylight stimulates the Pineal Gland in the brain, which is responsible for the wake/sleep cycle. Make sure not to cover your eyes all the time with grey sunglasses, as you'll be missing out on important nutrition. If you are "stuck" indoors, invest in a full spectrum light bulb to make up for it. Just make sure it's a good quality with equal parts of the 7 rainbow colours. Deep sleep is the best way to keep your body healthy. Melatonin stimulates the immune system and also plays a role in slowing down the aging process.

sexuality health

Low Fat Turkey Burgers

Low fat turkey burgers go as well on the grill as they do fried in a skillet.

When cooking low fat turkey burgers in a skillet they can be fried in olive oil. Olive oil is a major component of the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to have health benefits.

Best Weight Loss Plan

Some of the best weight loss plans may include ground turkey recipes.

The healthy benefits of ground turkey dishes include being a source of lean protein. Your body needs protein for many of its daily functions. Everything from muscle regeneration to being used in the vital phase II functions of the liver's detoxification process demand a steady supply of high quality protein from your diet.

Turkey also offers nutrients such as selenium and some of the B vitamins. Like the olive oil it can be cooked in, turkey should be consumed on a regular basis. However, the typical American diet does not include enough of either of these excellent foods.

You should work on changing that situation and reap the benefits these simple foods have to offer.

Well Balanced With Raw Vegetable Recipes

When low fat turkey burgers are combined with raw vegetable diet components the result is a highly nutritious meal. It is an easy meal to assure a balanced diet. These food items may also be included in weight reduction plans.

Such healthy diet plans often lead to some great weight loss success stories.

The ability to eat a healthy diet plan while enjoying comfort foods you are familiar with is an excellent idea. These are great options to make healthy kids meals and foods teens will love.

Consuming familiar yet healthy foods may be one of the best diets for overweight teens. Teens and kids can be notoriously picky eaters. A raw vegetable recipe can be served with low fat turkey burgers to satisfy the pickiest eaters you have at your table.

This meal will offer you an opportunity to serve teenagers and kids good healthy food that has a sophisticated taste to satisfy you. It is a great beginning to formulating healthy diets for overweight teens.

That's a good thing!

Try this simple low fat turkey burger recipe.

Low Fat Turkey Burger With Whole Grains

1 lb. Ground turkey burger
1 egg
1/2 cup uncooked oats
1/8 cup diced sweet onion
1/8 cup finely diced bell pepper (green, red, or both)
Sea salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together. Form into burgers and grill or fry in olive oil until the juice runs clear. These burgers can be served on a whole grain roll or on a plate without bread.

Condiments And Accoutrements Make The Burger

The recipe above is a great tasting dish. However, the fact remains that low fat turkey burgers are rather bland by themselves. It may be fairer to say they have a delicate flavor.

Regardless of how you describe it there is not much flavor from the ground turkey meat itself.

That's OK.

Fat is often the ingredient that gives various foods their flavor. By virtue of their composition low fat turkey burgers are low in fat and therefore lack in any strong flavor. Since the low fat content is one of the reasons we eat them we can't complain too much.

On the other hand, delicate flavored meat allows us to be creative with condiments and other accoutrements. The flavors of whatever you put on your burgers really stand out without interference from strongly flavored meat.

This is where you can allow your imagination to run wild!

Strong Imagination Equals Great Taste

There's a whole new world of taste sensations beyond the ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise condiments traditionally heaped upon turkey burgers.

Let's try to stimulate your creative thinking with a few suggestions for turkey burger toppings.

Have you ever considered mixing 3/4 mayonnaise, 1/4 olive oil, and horseradish to taste? This makes a wild yet tasty burger condiment. Let's explore the nutritional side to this condiment.

The olive oil reduces the amount of mayonnaise you use which is a good thing because most mayonnaise contains trans-fats. In addition to reducing your trans-fats intake, the olive oil offers many healthy benefits. It is an important component of any heart smart diet.

Some food manufacturers have mayonnaise with olive oil added. It is available in many grocery stores. This is very convenient for you so give it a try.

Two fantastic accoutrements to top your low fat turkey burgers with are low-fat cheddar cheese and jalapeno pepper slices. They go well together or separately.

Low Fat Turkey Burger Parmesan

This is a great dish. It should be considered as a staple on your family's healthy diet menu.

After cooking your turkey burger, ladle marinara sauce (sauce from a jar is fine) that has been heated in a saucepan. Sprinkle low-fat mozzarella cheese over the sauce covered turkey burger. The cheese will melt slightly from the heat rising from the marinara sauce.

You can make the burger recipe offered at the beginning of this article then top it with marinara sauce and low-fat mozzarella cheese. This will give you a tasty burger that is made that much better by the addition of the sauce and cheese. It's a divine entr?

Try serving your low fat turkey burger Parmesan with a huge salad of leafy greens, julienne carrots, and grape tomatoes to ensure you are getting your raw food enzymes.

These natural health foods transform a simple burger into a real meal.

To add a touch of elegance serve it with crusty whole grain bread and a hearty red wine. Your guests will be very impressed.

Low fat turkey burgers are good to eat and they're a very good health food.

Serve them often.


Pumpkins Are Not Just For Halloween

Most people think of Halloween when they hear the word pumpkin. If this is the only time you buy a pumpkin, you are missing out on a very nutritious food. The Native Americans used the pumpkin as both a food and a medicine. The first settlers from Europe added pumpkin to their diets.

The pumpkin flesh is extremely high in carotenoids, it is this plant compound that gives pumpkins their orange color. Carotenoids are really good at neutralizing free-radicals, as they are powerful anti-oxidants that can protect cell membranes from damage. It doesn't end there pumpkins are also high in other plant compounds lutein and zeaxanthin, which scavenge free-radicals in the lens of the eye. Helping to protect against the formation of cataracts and reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a serious eye problem than usually results in blindness, very important as we get older. Pumpkins are also a rich source of other nutrients, like iron, zinc, and fiber.

Whole pumpkin - when I cook pumpkin, I cook a whole pumpkin stuffed with some of my favorite recipes, and I place the whole thing in to the oven. This saves me cutting peeling and chopping it. I get a smallish to medium pumpkin, cut the top off and scoop out the middle. I put a cooked mixture inside, for instance I cook a mixture of vegetables and beans in a green Thai curry sauce with coconut milk. I place the cooked veggie curry, or chicken and veggie curry, inside the pumpkin and replace the top. I place the whole stuffed pumpkin in a medium heated oven for about two to three hours depending on the size of the pumpkin. Once the pumpkin is cooked remove from the oven and serve with the top off, it looks really good.

Pumpkin pie has been a traditional favorite at Thanksgiving. Pumpkins make great soups or a vegetable to accompany a main meal.

The flesh of the pumpkin has a mild laxative affect, being useful in cases of dyspepsia and constipation. Pumpkin juice has been used to help heal ulcers and reduce high acidity levels in the body, common these days. This juice needs to be drunk three times a day, half an hour before meals. It is also useful in cases of insomnia, as it has mild sedative properties. Pumpkin is also indicated in cases of hormonal imbalances and menopausal discomfort. Big pumpkins might be great at Halloween for caving up, but not that good for eating as they can be a bit tougher.

Traditional external use of pumpkin was recommended for treating burns, inflammatory conditions, abscesses, insect stings, and softening the skin, the crushed pulp was used, and changed daily until healing was complete.

Pumpkins seeds also contain phyto-sterols, essential fatty acids (EFAs). These EFAs have many benefits that protect blood vessels, nerves, protect all tissue, including the skin, and they can help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. The pumpkin seeds are high in protein, one ounce of seeds provides about seven grams of protein. Contain copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. They also contains vitamin A, which helps keep your eyes healthy, your skin, mucus membranes, and stimulates the T cells of the immune system to help fight off infection. The seeds also contain vitamin E, has excellent free-radicals properties, protecting the circulatory system. The seeds are also renowned for helping protect the prostate.

Studies into the health benefits of pumpkin seeds have revealed they contain a plant chemical (phytocompound) called cucurbitacins that can prevent the body from converting testosterone into a much more potent form of the hormone called dihydrotestosterone, this is thought to be the reason the seeds protect the prostate health. Keep the seeds in the refrigerator.

Salad dressing - these three fresh ingredients are very easy to find at the local markets - parsley, garlic, pumpkins seeds, and cilantro - grind these three ingredients together add a little extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice, use as a salad dressing. The herbs and spices that go well with pumpkin in general are parsley, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cardamoms.

Pumpkin and ginger soup

1 pumpkin small/medium, peeled and chopped

4 tablespoons coconut oil (found in your local health store)

1 or 2, garlic clove depends on your taste

3 small leeks or onions

3 celery stalks, diced

3 quarts vegetable stock, optional

1 piece grated fresh ginger - size depends on how you like ginger

1 (15 ounce) coconut milk can or fresh

Chopped cilantro

Salt and Pepper to taste

Sweat the garlic, onions and/or leeks in the coconut oil, then add the other ingredients and bring to the boil, lower the temperature and simmer until cooked. Then puree in a blender and then and the cilantro and serve with a decorative swirl of natural yogurt. Enjoy.


Traps of the Modern Day Diet

We get many emails asking us about the latest weight loss products and diet fads. It is important to understand WHY these products and fads don't work and why, in many cases, they can actually be quite dangerous.

It is also important to explain that our eating patterns have evolved over many hundreds of years and to also explain the radical changes that have been incorporated within the last 100 years to give you a better understanding of what a healthy diet must consist of.

Our eating patterns have slowly evolved over thousands of years and as the human race spread across the entire planet, new foods were discovered and added to our diets. The human body has adapted to incorporate these changes.

The foods we ate were natural and seasonal. Chock full of vitamins and minerals and in most instances, consumed fresh. After thousands of years of practice, this is what our bodies are still used to.

In modern times, with the advent of supermarkets and the pace of our hectic lifestyles, we now favor convenience over nutrition. Foods now come pre-prepared, pre-packaged and ready to eat.
Preservatives must be added to the food in order for it to last on the shelf. Artificial colorings and flavorings are then added to make the foods look and taste appetizing.

In terms of human evolution, these artificial additives have been added to our diets very recently so it is still not clear as to what effects they may have on us in the long term.

Anecdotal evidence points towards a trend between these chemicals and health problems like attention deficit disorder (ADD) and learning difficulties in children, allergic reactions and even cancer.

Over the last twenty years, the fast food culture has lead to an epidemic of obesity. In an effort to enhance flavour, the salt, sugar and fat content of many foods is now in some cases two to three times what it once was.

While the link between obesity and excess sugar and fat consumption is obvious, it is now becoming apparent that salt is a major contributor to obesity as well.

This is most likely due the fact that the more salt we consume, the thirstier we become and instead of drinking water, many of us prefer to reach for the soft drink to quench our thirst. Soft drink, loaded with sugar, is also full of artificial colors and flavors.

So why do we eat it?

You wouldn't dream of running your car on anything besides what it was designed to run on. We all know that it would definitely affect the performance of the car and eventually lead to damage.

Our bodies are no different. Just because we can eat something, it doesn't mean that we should! With the link between diet and health more obvious than ever before and more and more people telling us about what we shouldn't be eating isn't it more important for us to understand what we should be eating. We have to eat something right? What is the healthy alternative?

Ever heard 'Eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables...' what does this mean? Why should we eat plenty of fruits and vegetables?

Once we realize that we are in control of what goes into our mouths, and begin to make informed choices about what we eat these choices will begin to have a positive effect on every aspect of our life.


Monday 24 August 2009

Acai Berry Extract - Useful Facts About Extracts of Acai Berry

Acai berry extract is one of the most important parts of acai-products because this fruit is highly perishable; which means that the moment it is being harvested, the fruit starts to lose its nutritional values. Therefore, most people usually freeze dry the extracts in order to preserve its nutrition. Other companies immediately process them in order to produce high quality products with most of its nutritional contents still well preserved.

This aspect is where most various products differ; the way the fruit is being handled and stored in order to preserve its nutrition. This implies that not all products with acai berries are equal in quality; and not all products can claim the same nutrition that acai berries offer compared to its original fresh acai berry extracts.

Therefore, when choosing various types of products which boast of containing acai berries; it is best to check the companies that manufactured them. Make sure that they are well famous on producing high quality products because they maintain high standard of manufacturing processes.

Apart from that, you should also investigate what types of acai berry extract is besing used for your product. It is best to know that there are two main types of acai berries: the purple colored berry like grapes, and the white colored acai fruit. The former is the best variety because it contains high nutritional values compared to the white variety; which has only little nutrition. Hence, make sure that the purple colored variety is being used in the product you are purchasing.

These are some few of the many facts that you should know about this amazing fruit. At this point, you are already well informed about some useful information about acai berry extract which should help you make the right choice when choosing the best product for you.

The Top Ten Super Foods - Why You Need Them

What is a Superfood? A superfood is chock-full of nutrients, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and rate very high on the ORAC scale. The ORAC Scale or (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) is a labratory test that measures the antioxidant capacity of foods. Antioxidants prevent free-radical damage to our tissues thereby causing aging, disease and illness.

Free-Radicals are highly reactive, unstable molecules that are produced during a range of biochemical reactions. You can think of free-radical harm much like nuclear destruction of the human body. Free-Radicals have been implicated in everything from cancer and aging to neurodegenerative diseases. Antioxidants, however, are chemical scavengers that bind to these harmful oxidants and neutralize them. Antioxidants are an extremely important component in protecting us from this damage.

Superfoods, because they are so nutrient dense, are much like insurance. Superfoods are whole foods that have not been refined or processed. By incorporating these whole foods into your diet, you are ensuring optimum health. Here are the Top Ten Superfoods for your optimum health:

1. Wild Salmon - Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D and E. Salmon is an anti-inflammatory that promotes optimal health. Inflammation is responsible for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Aim for 2-3 servings per week.

2. Nuts - All nuts are highly beneficial for excellent health, in particular, walnuts. Walnuts are very high in omega-3 fats. A handful of nuts a day is going to provide you with the protection you need.

3. Berries - All berries contain plant nutrients called phytochemicals and flavonoids that may help prevent cancer. The most potent berries (according to the ORAC Scale) are Acai berries, Goji berries and Blueberries. There is much well-documented research on the health benefits of these berries.

4. Green Tea - Great tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols particularily EGCG which is a powerful antioxidant. Not only is it beneficial in weight loss, it has also shown to be protective against heart disease and cancer.

5. Beans - Beans such as Black Beans are high in phytochemicals and cholesterol-lowering fiber. The high fiber content is also helpful for weight loss.

6. Maitake and Shitake Mushrooms - These mushrooms contain a polysaccharide called Beta 1,3 Glucan and Beta 1,6 Glucan which boosts the immune system by stimulating white blood cells. They may prevent normal cells from turning into cancer cells. The Japanese government has approved Maitake as a cancer fighting treatment.

7. Umeboshi Plum - The powerful acidity of this pickled plum has a very healthful alkalizing effect on the body. It neutralizes fatigue, stimulates healthy digestion, and promotes the elimination of toxins. One Umeboshi plum a day is considered an excellent preventive.

8. Sea Vegetables - The lignans and phytochemicals in sea vegetables have been found to inhibit cancer cell growth. The sea vegetable also promotes healthy thyroid function, prevents cardiovascular disease, has an anti-inflammatory action and are high in Iodine, vitamin K, Magnesium and B vitamins.

9. Yogurt - The beneficial bacteria in yogurt or yogurt products such as Kefir promote digestive health. It has also been shown that this same bacteria can strengthen the immune system. Yogurt also increases gamma interferon a protein that helps the white blood cells fight disease.

10. Garlic - Garlic's health benefits are numerous. Garlic can help lower cholesterol, help lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and control blood sugar. Garlic is an anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and an antioxidant.

By mindfully choosing healthful foods such as these Superfoods, you are promoting not just Optimum Health in your life but creating a better quality of life as well.

To your good health!

Lori L. Shemek, Phd, CNC, CLC

The Unknown Benefits of Whey Protein

Many people know the immediate benefits of whey protein. Whey is extremely effective as a protein supplement for gaining muscle mass and losing weight and body fat. It is extremely low calorie (average 120kcal per serving) and yet contains 25g of high quality protein. However Whey also has many other health benefits for your body. The most significant of these is whey's benefit to your immune system.

Whey protein can provide a significant health boost to your immune system. The immune system is your body's primary defence mechanism in fighting off disease and infection. The immune response is how your body deals with any harmful foreign toxins, bacteria or viruses that enter the body. With environmental toxins abound and with constant threat of some new deadly virus spreading it is vital maintain a healthy immune system and keep it full of healthy antioxidants. Whey protein is actually one of the best available supplements to boost the body's natural antioxidants and immune defences. It may be a surprise to know that whey protein is a key ingredient in many baby formula products.

The reason is that it is high in antioxidant producing branch chain amino acids. Did you also know that whey has really similar qualities to our mothers milk. It is precisely because of this that whey can boost your immune health. The unique branch chain amino acids contained within the whey have been scientifically proven to be a key part of the body's primary antioxidant Glutathione. Glutathione is known as the strongest natural antioxidant known to science and is found in almost every living cell on the planet. By increasing the levels of glutathione in the body whey significantly reduces the level of damage that harmful free radicals can do. A side effect of the boost in immune system provided by whey is that you may experience increased recovery from illness and disease, and you may also find that your skin, hair and nails condition improves significantly. All of this from whey protein!

Acid-Alkaline Foods - Have the Right Food Choices to Keep Yourself Healthy and Strong

There are many foods that have been available in the market. And these foods are not all good for us. Choosing the right foods for us is very essential. Acid alkaline foods should be our basis in choosing them.

Alkaline diet has been popular for the wonders it brings to the body. It is a kind of diet wherein the basis is the maintenance of balanced pH condition inside your body.

Alkaline foods are the ones that are good for your body. On the other hand, acid foods are bad for your health.

How do we know what are the acid and alkaline foods?

Acid foods consist of red meats, pasta, rice, sweets, frizzy, alcohols, caffeine and others. Pork, beef, chicken, turkey and lamb are the examples of red meats that are harmful for our health.

Alcohols are very bad for our livers. They cause liver cancer. Cigarettes do not do good for our health too. They cause lung cancer.

Many people, even at their early ages, really want to drink alcohols and enjoy smoking. They keep on doing these things because they are not yet experiencing the bad effects that can be gotten from these stuffs.

However, time will come that your health will suffer because of the accumulation of nicotine from cigars and chemicals from alcohols that are detrimental to our health.

We must know how to prevent ourselves from these unwanted habits. It really is true that avoiding yourself from these kinds of stuff is hard. So, the best thing we can do is to substitute them with drinking root beer or eating chewing gums.

You just need time to practice preventing these things until they are totally gone out of your system. Not only this, you should avoid eating processed foods and using artificial sweeteners.

As times pass by, people are getting used to accumulating so much unwanted chemicals from processed foods. We are deceived that we will lose weight when we use artificial sweeteners. This is not true.

Losing weight is easily obtained by eating alkaline foods. Alkaline foods are really beneficial in losing weight, having a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a good, young looking personality.

Not only this, but you can also have a more stable emotional condition and better mind capability. We tend to be emotional when we don't feel good. It is when we feel aches and pains.

People are aware that fruits and vegetables are good. These are alkaline foods. Alkaline foods include fruits such as avocado, lime, lemon, apple, banana, watermelon and papaya. Vegetables such as squash, broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes with peels are alkaline forming foods too.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Are Found in Many Common Diseases

There are so many possible symptoms of vitamin D deficiency that this condition has largely been overlooked. With all the warnings we get about staying out of the sun, our primary source of vitamin D, deficiencies have reached epidemic proportions worldwide. Studies show that 30-80 percent of the population may be deficient in vitamin D.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency are Found in Many Common Diseases

Vitamin D deficiencies may be generally be characterized by muscle pain, bone fractures, low energy and fatigue, lowered immunity, symptoms of depression and mood swings, and sleep irregularities.

Low vitamin D levels are found in many diseases. Vitamin D deficiencies have been associated with a long list of chronic illnesses. Since most of these problems are very complex, and take many years to manifest, the connection between them and vitamin D deficiencies have remained unexamined for a very long time. While many of these health issues may also have other causes, low vitamin D levels are a common factor found in all of them. Here is a list:

• type-1 diabetes
• heart disease
• colon, breast and prostate cancers
• low blood calcium levels
• chronic bone, muscle, or joint pain
• chronic fatigue
• colds and flu
• asthma
• obesity
• rheumatoid arthritis
• infertility
• high blood pressure
• acne
• decline in physical and mental function
• gingivitis, periodontal disease and cavities
• depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder
• multiple sclerosis
• inflammatory bowel disease
• tuberculosis

Now, none of these are necessarily evidence of vitamin D deficiencies. However, since vitamin D plays such a pivotal role in strengthening your immune system, it's easy to see that a compromised immune system due to low vitamin D levels could easily lead to any of the above conditions.

The Most Recognized Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency.

Soft Bone Disorders. The most familiar health problems resulting from low levels of vitamin D are soft bone disorders, called rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults, and osteoporosis in seniors. Soft bone disorders indicate an inadequate supply of calcium to strengthen bones, which is usually a direct result of inadequate vitamin D supplies.

Rickets is a childhood disease characterized by stumped growth and deformed long bones, especially in the legs and arms. The role of diet in the development of rickets was determined by Edward Mellanby in the early 20th century, which led to the discovery of vitamin D. This condition can have very severe effects on the development of the bones.

Children with rickets may have fragile bones that are easily fractured. They may also develop bowed legs, pelvic bone deformities, spine curvatures and protruding breastbones. Children with rickets may experience bone pain in their legs, pelvis and spine.

Rickets may also result in poor muscle tone, which may lead to muscle weakness. Rickets may delay the formation of some teeth. It may also increase the risk of cavities, and decrease the amount of enamel on the teeth.

Osteomalacia is a bone-thinning disorder that occurs exclusively in adults and is characterized by muscle weakness and bone fragility. It does not usually result in bone deformities in adults. Adults with osteomalacia may experience bone pain in their legs, pelvis and spine. They are more at risk of breaking bones in their legs, spine and ribs.

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by reduced bone mineral density and increased bone fragility. Bones affected by osteoporosis are more at risk of fracturing. These fractures occur with just a slight amount of stress, much less than in healthy people not affected by osteoporosis. Typical fractures occur in the spinal column, hip and wrist.

Steps to Take if You Have Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

If you do suffer from any of the above problems, you would be wise to get more vitamin D right away, starting with regular sunbathing. In an average temperate climate, you would need two or three hours a week in the summertime. If you don't already get this much exposure, you are probably vitamin D deficient, whether or not you have any obvious symptoms.

If you live north of 30 degrees latitude (draw a line from Atlanta to Los Angeles), the sun's rays aren't strong enough for about half of the year to produce any vitamin D. This is when you need to take supplements, since food sources are not abundant enough to provide optimum levels of vitamin D.

If you have severe symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, seek a professional medical consultation and get a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test to confirm your vitamin D levels. Be aware that most of today's doctors received little or no training in medical school in diagnosing symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. They also do not routinely test for vitamin D deficiencies, as they should.

The latest science indicates that an optimal vitamin D blood level is between 50-70 ng/mL. A doctor who is not familiar with current studies might think anywhere from 20-50 ng/mL is normal, but these standards are outdated.

Why Taking Probiotics Is Good For You

The manner at which we eat and rush our meals accompanied with the kinds of foods we eat says a lot about the way many of us eat and our state of health. Estimates have depicted that in the near future - approximately 40 years from now, more than half of the youth in their early twenties now may have been diagnosed with cancer of the colon.

Another set of surveys shows that almost people who have poor feeding habits tend to become older and sick more often as against people who feed properly with balanced diets. Studies and Research have shown that Asians tend to age slower and live healthier as opposed to westerners. The reasons of this aren't esoteric. Asians age slower simply because they eat better and take better care of themselves.

This is therefore the reason that Probiotics with the many brands were produced and invented. Probiotics essentially serves keeping the digestive system whole by stabilizing the number of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract. The benefits of Probiotics are as follows

1. Detoxification. if you have had the thought of going on in several colon cleansing programs, then any available type of probiotics in the should assist you. Therefore, it is possible to purify your body , be cleansed, eliminate the constipation which was probably induced as a result of too much fecal matter decomposing in your colon, revive the skin radiance, completely eliminate that pimples and scabies and feel like you have shaved off ten years from your age.

2. Be able to take for foods and foods that you are allergic to. For several reasons, Probiotics are known to help people get back in shape and enjoy the foods they have long wanted to but could not because they were reacting negatively to them. So, if you have some sort of allergy particularly dairy and dairy products are concerned,

3. Enhance your vitality and vigor. This is basic common sense. Assuming you flush your body and get rid of out every junks and filth in the body, you are certain to feel fitter, get increased energy and enhance your staying power. You are likely to have increased energy levels because the body cells are more healthy, the air you inhale is cleaner and like a well organism body functions at the optimal level

4. Replace every missing bacteria. If you have taken a course of antibiotics recently, need Probiotics will help replenish all lost bacteria in the body. When an individual takes antibiotics, the bacteria equilibrium often gets distorted or unbalanced as a result of the new bacteria into the body to fight infections. Go on a course of Probiotics and you are less likely to suffer any repercussions of bacterial loss.

5 Assuming you want to lose weight and reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body, this supplement has the ability to do so. There's really nothing difficult about it. Since it makes you feel agile and active, there is a tendency that you will burn more calories by going out more and exercising which is triggered by the use of Probiotics supplements.

6. Your bowels and stomach will be in great state because of the acids produced and PH sustained.

Juicing Can Reverse The Effects of an Unhealthy Lifestyle

Spending your life glued to a couch watching TV and eating junk food is bad for you; everybody knows that. Despite knowing it, a large percentage of us still do it! Over time, the body takes on excess fat, becomes cumbersome to exercise and starts to develop serious health problems that might be the forerunners to Diabetes and Heart Disease.

In addition to the more serious diseases that are life threatening, a poor diet combined with a non existent exercise regime can cause skin disorders; muscle cramps; bad teeth; gum infections and a susceptibility to fungal infections.

Taking charge of your health and overhauling your eating habits can turn your life around. To start with, ditch the routine of sitting in front of the television eating potato chips every evening. Make the effort to do something energetic between finishing work and crashing onto the sofa for the evening. There is nothing wrong with watching TV but when it becomes the only thing you do for entertainment, something is really wrong.

The initial stages of change can be a little painful as you will have probably caused a lot of damage to your body by allowing it to vegetate for so long. By introducing raw foods to your diet, you can supply it with a great source of extra energy to see you through the difficult part of renovating your lifestyle.

Firstly, invest in an efficient and good quality juicer. Do not make the mistake of thinking a juicer is the same as a blender; those things that whiz up your soup at high speed. The kind of juicer you need will be the kind that operates at a slower speed, allowing it to break down all the wonderful nutritious stuff like wheat grass.

Buy some fresh and organic fruit and vegetables and read up on how you might combine them to make some meal accompaniments or even substitute meals entirely, particularly breakfast and lunch. Remember, organic foods have not been treated with preservatives and need to be kept properly wrapped and stored. Never use ingredients that have been kept for too long.

Start with flavors you enjoy and do not try recipes that are too complicated while you are learning the ropes. Over time you will learn which flavors blend to give you the kind of juice you enjoy. Introduce a small amount of daily juiced wheat grass to your diet and feel your energy levels rise! For the best results, grow your own wheat grass at home, either in a vegetable patch or in containers indoors. Wheat grass is full of beneficial nutrients that detoxify the body; it is a powerful anti inflammatory agent and also can help to stave off infections.

After only a few days, the raw food introduced to your diet will produce remarkable changes by giving you increased energy levels and help you tackle the next stage of your plan to overhaul your lifestyle and eliminate the results of being a couch potato.