pharmacy health

Saturday 19 September 2009

What Causes High Triglycerides - Important Facts You Should Know

You've probably heard It 100 times. Eating fatty cuts of meat is bad for your heart! We've heard this all of our lives but many of us have done little to change our bad eating habits. Did you know that this is what causes high triglycerides to a large extent?

High amounts of saturated fat in your diet is the primary cause of both high LDL cholesterol readings and triglycerides. Simply put, triglycerides are the form that fat takes as it travels through the bloodstream to be deposited as fat until it is needed for energy production.

The human body really is an amazing machine. But when we allow too many of these fats in our bloodstream it will eventually lead to heart disease. This is why it's so important to understand how to reduce triglycerides.

Before I go any further, it is essential that you understand what causes high triglycerides other than high-fat foods. If you find that you have experienced a sudden increase in triglycerides even though you have been eating a low-fat high fiber diet, it is important that you speak to your doctor about it.

High triglycerides can be cause by diabetes. It can also be due to certain medications that you are taking. Even coffee, especially when prepared in a french press, has been shown to increase triglycerides for some individuals.

Having said this, the vast majority of individuals can reduce triglycerides with some very simple changes in their diet. I found that one of the most helpful and easy thing to do was to begin focusing my meals around ground turkey, boneless, skinless chicken and fish.

When properly seasoned, I actually found these foods to be more enjoyable than the typical high-fat beef and pork that I was used to eating.

However, if you are ready to seriously work at reducing high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, you will also need to include large servings of cholesterol lowering foods, which include vegetables, fruit and nuts. Eating fish or taking fish oil supplements has also been shown to help reduce triglycerides.

Understanding what causes high triglycerides is the first step to balancing out your triglyceride readings. Now it's time to take action. I encourage you to visit my website to learn about other natural tools you can use to support healthy lipid readings.



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