pharmacy health

Saturday 19 September 2009

What Causes High Triglycerides - Important Facts You Should Know

You've probably heard It 100 times. Eating fatty cuts of meat is bad for your heart! We've heard this all of our lives but many of us have done little to change our bad eating habits. Did you know that this is what causes high triglycerides to a large extent?

High amounts of saturated fat in your diet is the primary cause of both high LDL cholesterol readings and triglycerides. Simply put, triglycerides are the form that fat takes as it travels through the bloodstream to be deposited as fat until it is needed for energy production.

The human body really is an amazing machine. But when we allow too many of these fats in our bloodstream it will eventually lead to heart disease. This is why it's so important to understand how to reduce triglycerides.

Before I go any further, it is essential that you understand what causes high triglycerides other than high-fat foods. If you find that you have experienced a sudden increase in triglycerides even though you have been eating a low-fat high fiber diet, it is important that you speak to your doctor about it.

High triglycerides can be cause by diabetes. It can also be due to certain medications that you are taking. Even coffee, especially when prepared in a french press, has been shown to increase triglycerides for some individuals.

Having said this, the vast majority of individuals can reduce triglycerides with some very simple changes in their diet. I found that one of the most helpful and easy thing to do was to begin focusing my meals around ground turkey, boneless, skinless chicken and fish.

When properly seasoned, I actually found these foods to be more enjoyable than the typical high-fat beef and pork that I was used to eating.

However, if you are ready to seriously work at reducing high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, you will also need to include large servings of cholesterol lowering foods, which include vegetables, fruit and nuts. Eating fish or taking fish oil supplements has also been shown to help reduce triglycerides.

Understanding what causes high triglycerides is the first step to balancing out your triglyceride readings. Now it's time to take action. I encourage you to visit my website to learn about other natural tools you can use to support healthy lipid readings.


Lower Cholesterol by Diet - Overlooked Ideas For Reducing High Cholesterol

Have you found yourself facing high cholesterol levels and the need to bring them down? If so, then it is important for you to understand that working to lower cholesterol by diet has been shown to be just as effective, and sometimes more so than using statin medication to reduce your high cholesterol levels.

This has been proven in the lives of thousands of individuals in our country. I recently read an article in U.S. News & World Report about a doctor who found that he was able to get excellent results by combining a cholesterol lowering diet with increased amounts of exercise, when he found he could no longer tolerate the side effects of statin medication.

As a matter of fact, doctors throughout our country are encouraging their patients to look into diets to lower cholesterol because of how frequently their patients are experiencing these side effects.

If you've decided to lower cholesterol by diet, there are basically two things you will need to do:

1.) Reduce the amount of saturated fats that you're consuming, and

2.) Increase the amounts of cholesterol lowering foods that you consume each day.

I personally found it helpful to use a structured diet plan such as the South Beach diet to reduced by high cholesterol readings. Many diets like this provide excellent, heart healthy recipes that make it easy to follow for the long-term.

It is important to realize that diets to lower cholesterol do not specifically need to be designed as a cholesterol lowering diet. It has been shown that when you lose weight, your cholesterol readings will come down proportionately.

As long as the diet plan you choose emphasizes a substantial reduction in the amounts of beef and pork, and an increase in the amounts of vegetables, nuts and whole grains, you will find that it is an effective tool for reducing high lipid readings.


Discover the Different Omega 3 Rich Foods

The omega 3 is often referred to as the fat of life, since it plays an essential role for the human health. It is a type of acid that our body needs, but at the same time is unable to produce. Thus we have to take them from other sources, like the omega 3 rich foods.

The food that we consume daily is more often than not suitable for all the needs of our body. We miss plenty of vitamins and essential acids simply because we eat food that is chemically processed and all the nutrients are practically altered.

This happens as well with the omega 3 intake, that is way too less for our necessities. The best from the omega 3 rich foods is the wild fish that contains large quantities of such oil. It is recommended to eat plenty of it as often as possible, but you need to keep in mind that the oceans are polluted and the level of toxins in these fish can be very increased. Thus, you need to consume them responsibly.

Some other foods that can be classified in this category are the leafy greens such as kale and spinach, strawberries, flaxseed, almonds and walnut. You can also find the acids in some types of meat, like chicken and beef. The eggs are as well a source of omega-3 acids, but you need to pay attention to their provenience. Try to choose only the eggs that come from hens that are correctly fed.

If you consider it is too complicated to take the necessary amount of omega 3 from the sources described above, you can always try the dietary supplements that will offer you all the necessary intake and all you have to do is to take a tablet every day. This way, you will make sure that you will enjoy a healthy life for the tears to come.

diet hylpropion news

Eating For Profit - How Food Impacts Your Bottom Line

I must confess that I was teaching what I'm about to share before I practiced it myself. As they say, "teach what you need to learn"; that was certainly true for me. I'm pleased now to share this with you from a place of real, bonafide experience. What I'm about to tell you has changed my life in a more profound way then just about anything else I've ever learned.

I've had a long history of "mental illness" as they call it. Mild bi-polar, depression, and add just to name a few. I've been diagnosed with all of them at one time or another. For the most part, I've been grateful to all of this mental trauma, because it has caused me go to these deep dark places inside and helped me really search for peace. I remember Eckart Tolle said that the ones of us who are in more pain are closer to enlightenment, because we have a reason to seek it. I'd say that's about right.

Being an entrepreneur will call forth strength and wisdom you have inside like nothing else can. It will also "force" you to integrate parts of yourself: Your left and right brain; your mind, body and spirit; your inner child and your true self, just to name a few. You will need all of these parts of yourself working with you to be truly successful: meaning that you have money, free time, and you're living with passion and purpose.

I believe this is why 90% of businesses can't make it off the ground, because they're lacking integration. Most entrepreneurs just want to do their craft without any attention to detail or the marketing of their craft - and I'm sorry, that just doesn't work well. Some want to inspire others, but they don't take care of themselves. Integration takes practice and perspective, but today I'm going to share one essential piece of this puzzle that has changed my life in a way I can feel physically, emotionally, and mentally faster than anything I've ever done.

What I'm writing to you about today is nutrition. As I'm writing this, I'm stopping to take a bite of my delicious lunch salad that includes: swiss chard, rosemary, basil, spinach, kale, parsley, arugula, spring greens, tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, yellow bell pepper, leeks, cucumber, olive oil, lemon, and this "salad booster" seasoning that I get in the raw food section of Whole Foods with seven different super foods in it. Now, just imagine how I feel after eating that?

Since I'm inclined to have wacky brain chemistry, I started to take an interest in how food affects that. Food is so important and vital to good brain chemistry, being happy, having an optimistic attitude and having energy. I can now say from experience that I feel more like "myself" than ever before in my life. It's truly amazing.

How does this effect your bottom line? THINK ABOUT IT. What do you need to make more money? You need energy, an uplifting attitude, clarity, and focus, right? Of course! If you are starting your day with a cup of coffee and a bagel, you're not headed that way.

This is not what you want when you have your own business. You want to start your day with cleansing your body, moving your body, and good first meal that will set you up for a whole day of inspired action and groundedness.

Here are some pointers I suggest:

1. Drink 20 - 30 oz of water when you first wake up. Try some water with a little bit of lemon, honey, and aloe vera juice to jumpstart your body's cleansing processes.

2. Exercise for at least 20 minutes every day. If you take a day or two a week off from "exercise" then sit and do some stretching and deep breathing.

3. Start the day off with a healthy shake. It has been shown that protein in the morning can help your focus all day, but you also need vitamins and minerals and healthy fats. No better way to do this than with a shake. It's also SUPER easy on your digestion which will keep you high energy for 3 - 4 hours. I have a fantastic recipe I use for mine (stay away from slim fast & related products, they're full of refined sugar, that's a no-no.)

I'll share my recipe with you, enjoy:

1 can of coconut juice (Amy & Brian's)

Some water (enough to blend everything good)

1 oz of mangosteen juice (or mangosteen/noni blend) (big thing costs about $20 but lasts a while)

1 teaspoon of raw cacao nibs

1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses

1/2 teaspoon of ground flax seed

1 teaspoon of raw coconut oil

2 teaspoons of hemp protein powder

1/2 teaspoon of bee pollen (please read about this when you buy it - you have to build up to that over a week or two, and careful of allergies)


1/2 cup (or so) of fresh blueberries

More berries are good, fresh is good but I like some frozen fruit for texture. I use a frozen berry blend (raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, and strawberries)

1 teaspoon green super-food powder (includes Spirulina, blue/green algae, etc

This will give you more nutrition than the average person gets in a month. Every single one of these foods is amazing! Care for your body, it's an essential key to your happiness, health, and wealth!


Benefits of a Low Sodium Diet

When shopping for food, most of us look at the calorie, fat, carbohydrate and protein content.

But what about sodium?

It is recommended that that we consume 1500-2500mg of sodium daily, yet the average person's intake is a soaring 4000mg! It's obvious that we are not aware of the sodium content in our favourite foods.

Sodium is essential in small amounts, It helps to maintain the correct level of fluids in our bodies, assists with transmitting nerve impulses, and influences the contraction, and relaxation of muscles.

However, a diet high in sodium is known to cause: High blood pressure, with all of the medical risks associated with the condition, and bloating, caused by water retention.

A diet low in sodium prevents heart disease and from a weight loss/maintenance prospective, keeps bloating at a minimum, avoiding the dreaded "water weight."

It's important to be able to spot the sodium. Read labels to find out if the serving is too high. In addition to a quick check, read food labels for the following ingredients:

- Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- Baking soda
- Baking powder
- Disodium phosphate
- Sodium alginate
- Sodium nitrate or nitrite

Avoid a high sodium intake by cooking with less salt and even more importantly, avoiding frozen and processed foods. Frozen dinners are packed with sodium for flavour and a longer shelf life. It's amazing how much can be in these frozen entrees. I really love the President's Choice Blue Menu vegetable lasagna, until I read that my share of the tray equals over 1000mg of sodium! This is a meal advertised as healthy! It only goes to show, that packaging is deceiving, and we need to be more vigilant with our grocery shopping.

Shop Smart!


Healthy Meal Recipes - Let's Enjoy a Healthier Dinner

It matters little that whether you are cooking for your family or for a get together, all you want while you cook is a sign of pleasure on each face as they are finished with their lunch or dinner. For that you surely need some assistance and this is what makes healthy meal recipes so very important. You get some great ideas about some delicious dishes that can be cooked quickly and served fast.

Here's a healthy meal recipe that is easy to cook and sweet to eat.

It takes only 30 minutes with no added sugar and is low in calories.

Mixed berries and Semolina pudding

• 1 | milk
• A pinch of salt
• 150 g semolina
• 20 g butter
• 2 eggs, separated
• 20 g extra cold butter
• 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
• 750 g berry mix (frozen)

(1) Boil the milk after adding salt and butter to it.

(2) As the milk starts heating up, cook the fruit according to the instruction cited on the package.

(3) Stir the semolina as the milk starts boiling. Trim down the heat slowly to allow it to simmer for around 10 minutes. The mixture turns thick gradually. Keep stirring to avoid burning.

(4) Include the left over butter and little beaten egg yolks. Add cinnamon also to the pudding. Mix it well, beat the egg whites to stiff, and then cautiously place them under the pudding. Mix some of the fruits, spread berries on the top for decoration, add a bit of cinnamon and it's ready to serve.

With the economic slow down of recent times eating out all the time is getting difficult for most of us. Moreover, foods containing high calorie, fat and sodium or meals packed, boxed, or frozen for a long time are giving real tough time to many of us. Easy healthy meal recipes offer you a scope to enjoy fast flavorsome meals at home.


Meal Planning Software - A Smarter Technique For Healthy Eating

We have had long discussions over nutrition and diet for years. Yet there are number of people not really satisfied with the dietary plans and health products they get in the market. So, meal planning software has truly hit the floor at the right time. It is because if you are not happy with a particular food chart it doesn't mean that the chart is worthless. On the contrary the diet chart that you have picked up is possibly wrong for you. In order to make any diet effectual, a proper planning is indispensable.

The recipes we find out via internet or books are required to be stored in a place and utilized properly. This is the reason why meal planning software is so very important today. There are quite a few software programs that are hugely used these days. Thousands of people across the world are taking advantage of these software packages.

Meal planning software programs are of great assistance in quiet a few ways like:

• It offers you advanced meal planning: you get to enjoy highly developed meal planning that not only assure a proper diet to you and your family but at the same time help you in budget management.

• It means more calculated shopping: Spending your valuable time wandering all around the market choosing what you should buy and how much you should spend is wastage of time and energy. With meal planning software you have everything set in a way that makes grocery shopping spontaneous.

• Software means greater efficiency: it allows you to arrange your meals far sooner and use all that you have in store. This certainly assures less waste and stops food going bad for improper planning.

• It is the answer to rising food costs: There are number of software programs suitable to various needs and circumstances. Hence finding out the chart proper for you and your family is never a difficult task. As the cost of food is mounting high meal planning software is a great way to help you fight rising food costs.

If you are one of them who have a packed schedule, family responsibilities, moreover work alone for most of the times at home then using meal planning software should fall at the frontline of your priority list. The fact is a proper planning can truly bring some magical changes to your life.

Today, with technological developments we have come far regarding the internet applications, software developments and the bulk of websites that we visit everyday to discover and create new things. One among them is new recipes that assure us taste, health and shape.


Adding Cultured Foods Into Your Diet - Improving Digestive Health

Cultured foods are in the news often discussing the benefits provided for intestinal health. Many alternative practitioners see the care of one's intestines as a key to achieving optimal health.

Yogurt is the cultured food that most people are familiar with  due to exposure in commercials. It is reported that one's ldl cholesterol level can be lowered with regular consumption. One important point to note is that it's best to ingest yougrut that does not have added sugars or fruit. This negates the value of the yogurt. Instead, add bananas or mixed fruit yourself to counteract the bland taste of yogurt. Natural antibiotics are present in yogurt and fermented milk-based products. It can be the base of a delicious fruit shake mixed with crushed ice and a little juice.

Another fermented food which benefits the digestive process is cottage cheese. Not only does this provide good, friendly bacteria but it's also a nutritious source of calcium and protein.

A third source of cultured foods is whey. Whey can be added in with soups and juices. The poem "Little Miss Muffet" is about eating one's curds and whey.

Kefir is a fourth food that is useful for digestive health. It is available for health food stores and in certain supermarkets. It is a beverage that is made from grains. Many people are not familiar with kefir but it has been used by many who frequent health food stores for years.

Bacterial imbalances can result in ibs and chronic constipation problems. It also is the root of a variety of modern diseases according to naturopaths.

A Pennsylvania study study found that meditation is a useful tool to improve digestive health. Our bodies relax when we meditate and the ph of saliva is increased becoming more alkalinic. The body also produces more saliva when relaxed.

diet hylpropion news

Thursday 3 September 2009

Want More Antioxidants? Find Out What Foods Contain Lycopene


The question regarding what foods contain lycopene has a fairly simple answer because there are several sources for this nutrient. While tomatoes are among the commonest, they are not the richest, and the available amount also depends on the processing. So if one is going to get this from their diet, knowledge of what foods contain lycopene is helpful in deciding the best source.


The list of what foods contain lycopene includes several fruits and vegetables among which are: rosehip, gac, pink grapefruit, tomatoes, wolfberry, pink guava, seabuckthorn, watermelon, red bell pepper and papaya.

While gac - a native fruit of south east Asia - is the richest source with a concentration of between 2000 -2300 micrograms per gram, it is not found much elsewhere. It is however a promising source for commercial production.

Tomatoes - with a raw concentration of between 9 and 42 micrograms per gram account for the commonest source of dietary intake for most people. When all their processed forms are included, they account for 85% of the dietary intake in the United States.

It may seem strange, but the more that tomatoes are processed, the more available this nutrient becomes. This is contrary to what we generally find with most fruit and vegetables for example we lose vitamin C with cooking. In contrast, products like tomato paste, tomato puree, ketchup, juices etc contain more bioavailable compound than raw tomatoes.

So crushing and cooking tomatoes increases the availability. In fact the compound in tomato paste is four times more available than that in fresh tomatoes.

The compound is described as lipophilic which means it loves oils and fats in which it dissolves. On the other hand it literally hates water and is not soluble in it. Dishes that are rich in oil such as pizza and spaghetti sauce greatly increase the absorption from the digestive system into the blood stream.

Most leafy fruit and vegetables (with the notable exception of gac) are low in fats and oils. If one needs to maximize the absorption from these sources then they need to supplement with some oil and fat.

Can one get it from supplements?

As we have seen, bioavailability may be an issue and we need oil to maximize absorption. We have also seen that there are different concentrations in different sources. So while diet is a good source, getting a known amount and ensuring that it is maximally absorbed can be a challenge.

A nutritional supplement may help to get around this. The best is often a multi-ingredient nutritional formulation rather than a single substance nutraceutical which lacks the support of other compounds and co-factors that maximize effectiveness.

I am aware from personal use of a product that contains at least 90 ingredients including resveratrol, green tea, policosanol, multi-vitamins, ginko biloba, trace elements and many others. Clearly the cancer fighting properties of resveratrol and green tea when added to the powerful antioxidant effects of lycopene make such a combination hard to beat.

So although we know a bit about what foods contain lycopene, there is much more. If you would like to know more especially about the multi-ingredient supplements that can help you realize the full benefits of lycopene, then please visit my website today.

sexuality health

The Importance of Adequate Protein Intake While Training

Many folks aspire to building muscle while lifting weights for several reasons like improved confidence, improved strength, general well being and fitness or for sport specific purposes. Whatever the explanation for needing to add muscle there's one part of building muscle that is important and that's eating.

Eating adequate food so your body has substance is extraordinarily critical but the most significant food type for somebody lifting weights is protein. The technical and academic reason is that protein is a nitrogenous organic compound composed from polymers of amino acids.

A protein strand is composed of up to 20 different amino acids each joined together by peptide bonds to guarantee they stay stable. For the layman this means it's necessary in the diet of all living animals as it supports the repairand bulding of tissues.

Without protein you would not be in a position to live as it supports many of the body's processes. In weightlifting protein makes up a major part of the muscle so helping the muscles cells reconstruct bigger and stronger after a session, sufficient protein intake from eating is required to start the repair and growth process. The average man wants around 65 grams of protein every day except for somebody wanting to build muscle this increases. To make the most out of your training session and see a massive increase in muscle density the ideal quantity of protein needed is 0.75 grams to one gram of protein per pound you weigh (1.65 to 2.2 grams of protein for every kilogram). To put this into proportion a person who weighs 205 pounds (93 kilograms) would need to take 154 to 205 grams of protein a day. This protein intake shouldn't amount to over about thirty percent of the total daily food consumption (proteins, carbs and fats). Some folks supplement their protein intake with protein shakes but these should really only be used as an addition to your diet not a meal replacement.

Experience shows it is advantageous to eat little and frequently when wanting to create muscle mass as this ensures a regular flow of proteins into the body to support the building and repair of some surely massive muscle gains. Many weightlifters eat five to six meals per day at two and a half hour intervals for optimum benefits.


The 10 Commandments For Optimal Health & Fat Loss

Maintaining a state of optimal health is essential if you want to build a better body. If the natural balance of health within the body is thrown off, your fat loss efforts will suffer. Nutrition for fat loss, fitness, and health all go hand in hand.

It's impossible to look great when you feel awful if that makes any sense. But if you want to feel great you must keep your body healthy. In order to remain healthy you need to eat whole foods that are left in their natural unaltered state because they are pure, whole, and rich in nutrients. These nutrients will keep your body functioning at its peak, as well as keep you healthy and lean.

Good health is not a gift from above, but rather your chance to show your appreciation of life by doing everything in your power to sustain a high level of well being. Good health is earned and it is always worth working hard for.

There is nothing in life that is more valuable than good health, and there is no reason to go through life suffering with preventable disease and being overweight.

There is also no shortcut or cheap substitute for achieving good health, so if you have been neglecting your nutrition I have laid out a few simple guidelines/rules to follow that will help you create a new sense of well-being, boost your energy levels, and get your health back on track.

The 10 Commandments for Optimal Health and Fat Loss:

1. Food should be natural, fresh, pure, and whole.

Whole foods that are left in their natural, un-altered state are the highest in nutritional value. These foods will help you build a body that is healthy, strong, and fit.

2. Maintain an 80% alkaline and 20% acid ratio.

Proteins and starches are acid, vegetables and fruits are alkaline. Just about all of the metabolic wastes of the body are acids so we need to eat alkaline forming foods like fruits and vegetables to neutralize these acid wastes. Acid wastes are especially dangerous because they are believed to cause a variety of health problems and chronic diseases.

3. Be active.

Your body was designed to move around and be active so it is important that you challenge your muscles every day. If you do not have time to make it to the gym, just do a few pushups at work or take a brisk 15 minute walk during the day. If you are sitting at home watching tv, why not jump rope or do some abdominal exercises instead of laying there collecting dust?

I like to think of my body as an expensive sports car and treat it as such. I don't put crap fuel in it, I always perform routine maintenance, and when I am not on the race track I take it around the block every so often to keep it running smoothly. Your body is the biggest "investment" that you have so be sure to take care of it. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, try to always make the best use of them.

4. Eliminate the three silent killers: white sugar, white flour and refined salt.

These are the top three foods to avoid if you ever want to be healthy and fit. Table salt can elevate blood pressure, increase your risk of stroke and harden the arteries. Too much table salt can also cause you to retain excess water and carry unwanted pounds. Be sure to only eat foods that contain the "organic" sodium that occurs naturally in them and avoid refined table salt at all costs.

Refined foods like white flour and sugar provide no nutritional value and are full of empty calories. Eating these foods also puts an extreme strain on the liver and can stop fat loss in its tracks. Avoid all foods made with white flour and sugar and eat natural raw foods like fruits and vegetables instead. Natural foods in their raw form have the highest nutritional value of all foods and are chock full of the best vitamins, minerals, fiber, and live enzymes.

5. Drink plenty of water.

Since our bodies are over 70% water, drinking water is essential for optimal health. Water helps prime the body for fat loss, as well as flush out harmful toxins. Not drinking enough can lead to a water imbalance in the body, which can increase your risk of disease. Be sure to drink between 64 and 128 ounces of water daily.

6. Eat in moderation.

Eating the same foods in excess can cause nutritional deficiencies because this means that other foods are not used in sufficient variety in the diet. Many bodybuilders and amateur lifters are guilty of this and fall into the chicken, broccoli, and sweet potato every day trap.

In order to burn fat and remain healthy it is important to eat enough protein, carbohydrates, and fats daily. However, each macronutrient should be eaten in the correct amount at each meal. This prevents overeating and helps maintain a balanced combination of foods in the diet.

7. Never fry foods or use heated oils to cook food.

Foods that are cooked in oils and/or fried are cooked at high heat. This high heat food preparation process is dangerous because it lowers nutritional value and makes food almost impossible to digest. Cooking using heated oils and frying is also a contributing factor to heart disease, hardening of the arteries, and high cholesterol.

8. Eat plenty of fiber.

If you wish to remain healthy, you cannot understate the importance of dietary fiber. Fiber improves digestion, keeps bad cholesterol levels down, and provides satiety which will keep you feeling fuller longer. If you are trying to keep calories low and lose weight, eating enough fiber is very important. Good sources of fiber include, but are not limited to: apples, pears, raspberries, broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, kidney beans, navy beans, and almonds. Eat between 20-25 grams of fiber daily.

9. Let nature work its magic to heal.

We tear our bodies down when we exercise. In order to recover and keep our bodies steadily burning fat and building muscle we must eat properly, get enough sleep, and supply the body with the nutrients that it needs to repair tissue.

10. Keep variety in your diet.

Any diet is boring without variety, but even more importantly, when we lack nutritional variety we can't supply the body with all of the nutrients that it needs to remain in optimal health. Maintaining variety in your diet guarantees your body gets all of the nutrients it needs to remain healthy. Most diseases are associated with a nutritional deficiency of some sort so it is very important that we add variety to our diet so that we get the full spectrum nutrients that we need to remain healthy.


The 4 Key Mistakes of Contemporary Bodybuilding Diets

It has become a normal thing to find a body builder who trains ever so hard, always in the gym and pumping the mightiest of weights, but with minimal muscle packs to show for it. It is not rare these days top find a body builder who has been in the gym for year but looks like he or she has just started on the muscle building venture. In most times, the problem here is dieting.

If you have yourself training very hard and are still dissatisfied with the results or that your rate of growth is far too minimal, then it is wise to look into your dieting program and establish whether any of the following blunders are present. If any of them is there, then you know why the bulk up process is marred, take up corrective action and live your true potential in bulk and strength.

Getting too hungry at times. You should never allow yourself to get too hungry before you eat something. The forth coming meal should be eaten before the stomach starts to bite. This requires that you set up particular meals times, make time to prepare and eat the food and then to plan the meals before hand to avoid moments when the meal is late. When you get far too hungry, you tend to eat much more than is ideal in one meal and then again, you expose your body to moments when there ids no nutrients in the body to be used in the growth and energy supply.

Feeding on processed foods. Processed carbohydrates like breakfast cereals, whiter breads, fruit juices and candies among other common foods have very high levels of simple sugars which are unhealthy. High quantities of simple sugars are converted to body fats very fast especially if your body does not need them immediately. Again, they prompt a production of high kevels of insulin which converts them into other forms of energy to the extent that the blood sugar gets far too low than is ideal. Complex curbs are better and this should be sourced from starchy natural carbohydrate foods.

Excluding Vegetables from the diet. Many body builders forget or disregard the role of veges in the diet. It is not about loving them or not but about there importance as part of the diet, in providing vital nutrients and minerals while also amplifying the rate of nutrient digestion and absorption. Leafy greens, spinach, broccoli, asparagus among other must be included in your daily diet. For one, vegetables are rich in vitamins and fiber. Better still, they are very hard to digest as compared to proteins and therefore enable you to burn much more calories during the digestion processes.

Skipping breakfast. So many body builders make the mistake of ignoring breakfast. The break fast might actually be the single most important meal of the day and it is during this time that you should eat most of your complex curbs and proteins since you will have the rest of the day to digest them, again, the breakfast wakes up a metabolism system that had gone to sleep and therefore amplifies your appetite for the rest of the day.


The Sneaky Food Label Secrets You Need to Know

Do you want the bad news or the good news first?

Why don't we get the bad news out of the way? That 20 oz. bottle of Sprite you just gulped down has twice the calories as is listed on the bottle. You didn't just drink the 110 calories listed on the label, but over twice of those calories! Does your stomach feel a little more bloated after reading that?

Now for the good news, this can be avoided by learning how to properly read nutritional labels. A closer inspection of that Sprite bottle reveals that it is 2.5 servings, not 1. That means when you drink the entire bottle, the calories, sugar, sodium, etc are almost triple the numbers listed.

Is it any wonder why there are so many overweight people in our society with sneaky tactics like this used by the manufacturers? On thousands of nutritional labels, you will notice what is packaged is not always just one serving. Many times it can be multiple servings, which can easily be the reason for your expanding waistband.

Another sneaky tactic used by manufacturers is "no sugar added". Many times people believe that the product is then unsweetened, which is not usually the case. This is almost always code that you will find aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, or another similar sugar substitue. Since sugar is a natural product and its substitutes are chemical based, it is always best to go with a low sugar based product.

When buying whole grain foods, never go by what is listed on the front. Many products will claim they are "made from whole grains", which can be deceiving. You must always check the label and be sure that "whole wheat flour" is listed as the first ingredient. If you see it is made of "enriched flour" or "wheat flour", then it is made from white flour, which you want to avoid.

Unfortunately, the manufactures are legally allowed to list their nutritional values in such a manner. So as with most things in life, it is up to you to understand exactly what you are putting in your body by closely inspecting each nutritional label.

diet hylpropion news