pharmacy health

Sunday 23 August 2009

Why is There a Need to Balance Omega 3 and 6 in the Body?

We are then aware of the benefit that we could get from omega 3, but, are you wondering why it seems to be associated with Omega 6? Omega 3 and 6 are both fatty acids, that are essential in keeping the structure of the cells in the body intact and in a correct state. Both omega 3 and 6 are regarded for its capability to produce an intended result in the communication process that happens in the brain.

Omega 3, having the capability to create neural pathways, have to be obtained by the body in adequate amounts, if the body is not that capable of acquiring substantial amounts of omega 3, it would then give way to omega 6 to take over the whole communication process from the brain, to other parts of the body.

Studies have found that these neural cells that are being created by omega 6, are very distinct at a greater extent from those that were created by omega 3. The outcome of this may lead to brain dysfunctions and other emotional imbalances. That is why, it is very important our brain and body has omega 3 and 6 balanced.

Or, might as well go for acquiring more food and supplements that are rich in omega 3, since omega 3 has the most positive effects in our body than that of omega 6. You would be able to benefit from the positive effects of health improvement, through eating food that rich with omega 3 such as nuts, dark green vegetables, flax seed, some fruits and fish.

Fish oil is the best source of omega 3, and that is what health supplements - high in omega 3 fatty acids - are made from. Fish oil can be very beneficial to one's health , however, they are not processed the same way. Since, people have been aware of the contamination of aquatic resources, with heavy metals and chemicals, we now become hesitant of eating fish, and consuming any of its products.

This shouldn't be an issue if the product that you will be using is made of pharmaceutical grade fish, which has gone through molecular distillation. Molecular distillation is a process of removing the contaminants from the end product that would be used for the mixture of the supplements. Here, you can be sure that what you are taking into your body is a safe and effective product to provide you the adequate omega 3 nutrients that your body needs.

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