pharmacy health

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Fat Soluble Vitamins & Water Soluble Vitamins - What Your Body Really Needs

Aside from the vitamins we take as food supplement, our bodies also produce vitamins that are needed to perform several functions. In general, vitamins are grouped into water-soluble and fat soluble vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluable while Vitamins B and C are soluble only in water. No matter whether a vitamin is soluble in water or fat or whether they come from food supplements or food taken, what really matters is the amount that you will get in relation to what the body needs. In this way, you can stay away from insufficient vitamin supply.

Each vitamin group has its own role and function in the body. Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed through the large intestines for proper absorption process. However, for the reaction to occur there is a need for some dietary fat. The body may not start with the needed reaction if it is not taken with certain fat. Once the vitamins are absorbed by the body, they are then stored in the liver. After which, they will just be called upon once needed by the body.  Now, for us to have a clear-cut distinction of what fat soluble and water soluble vitamins does to our body, let's now have a detailed discussion of each type.

Fat Soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K are the vitamins comprising fat soluble types. Vitamin A is regarded as the vision vitamin. It helps the eyes to focus under low visibility conditions and at the same time have a clearer focus and distinction on colors and backgrounds. It is also vitally needed in the growth of tissues through the help of a special protein called transport protein. It assists the vitamins stored in the liver to be transported to the tissues where it is needed.

Vitamin D is needed for calcium o be absorbed by the body. It helps to manage and regulate the presence and amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Sufficient amount of Vitamin D in the body can keep the boned health even if the person does not drink milk and other dairy products. 

Vitamin E is also considered as an antioxidant like Vitamin C and Glutathione. It plays a vital function in protecting the fatty acids and red blood cells from being damaged. 

And lastly, to assist the body in changing food into energy, Vitamin K is must needed. It protects the clotting ability of the blood through the blood clotting proteins that it supplies. It is also needed to keep the bones healthy.

Water Soluble Vitamins

One of the stand-out differences between fat soluble and water soluble vitamins is that water soluble easily dissolves in water so the body needs constant supply of such. Any excess is taken out of the body through urine Included in this group are Vitamins B, C, H and Biotin.

Vitamin B is responsible for several vital processes in the body. One of which is the process of changing carbohydrates to glucose. In this way, energy is provided to the body. Vitamin C is noted as a good antioxidant to help boost our body's immune system as well as to prevent free radicals that can damage your body's cells and tissues.



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