pharmacy health

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Muscadine Grape Seed

The benefits of the Muscadine grape seed are nothing less that miraculous. There have been numerous studies on the muscadine grapes that show very promising results. But do you know the history of the Muscadines?

The first European settlers of the New World where first introduced to the Muscadine grapes and their health benefits from Native Americans. This wild-growing grape was found in wooded areas of the southeastern United States in abundance. It has been theorized that over 400 years ago the first settlers planted what we now call "The Mother Vine" which is found in North Carolina.

Independent laboratory tests show that muscadine grape seeds contain very high levels of natural antioxidants. The Muscadine grape seeds combination of Resveratrol, Resveratrol Metabolites and other phenolic compounds, such as Ellagic Acid, OPCs, and Quercetin, is what makes the Muscadine grapes such an important daily regimen. These grapes are a must for your overall health because of their ability to fight off free radicals.

So what are free radicals? Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd number of electrons. Free radicals break down healthy human tissues. This process is called oxidation, which is the same process that causes iron to rust or causes an apple to turn brown.

So where do free radicals come from? Smoking, stress, sunlight, pesticides, herbicides, pollution, drinking water with chlorine in it, medications, food additives, x-rays, and airborne emissions just to name a few. Today we live in the most polluted environment in history and it does affect our health and well being.

Inflammation is a big problem for many people. There are five symtoms of inflammation: pain, swelling, redness, tissue warmth, and loss of function. Inflammation on a large scale in the body happens when the body's defense system turns against itself. This is called systemic inflammation. Joint health, heart health, blood lipid health, healthy blood sugar levels, immune system support, healthy cell function, bone health, sexual health, gastrointestinal health, healthy brain function are just a few health conditions that science has linked to inflammation. Scientific studies have discovered that the combination of over 100 powerful phenolic compounds found naturally in Muscadine grape seeds are highly anti-inflammatory.

I'm sure just about everyone has heard about the health benefits of Resveratrol, which is found in red wine. Science has concluded that the Resveratrol in red wine is beneficial for brain and mental health, and cardiovascular health. The Resveratrol concentrations, however, in Muscadine grapes are much higher than those of wine grapes. The higher concentration of Resveratrol in Muscadine grapes are also beneficial for certain conditions affected by a decrease in natural estrogen, including menopause.

Muscadine grapes are also anti-aging. The OPCs, Ellagic Acid, and Resveratrol and its derivatives are known to have many biological activities accociated with our health. Our bodies make special enzymes to neutralize many of the free radicals that we are attacked with daily. However, as we get older our bodies produce fewer of these enzymes. The many antioxidants that are in the Muscadine grapes are used by the body to neutralize free radicals and that reduces the amount of damage our bodies suffer as we get older.

There is an ever-growing evolution back to nature in our search for cures and prevention. Numerous well-designed studies have concluded that nature has provided mankind with a wealth of powerful healing forces that work in harmony with our bodies, enhancing the healing process and promoting overall good health.
One of those powerful forces are found in Muscadine grapes the "Smarter Grape".

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