pharmacy health

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Selecting the Right Dentist

Whether we like it or not most of us have to visit the house of a dentist once in a while. Thus to select the right dentist is of paramount importance.

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the specialized fields where you need good dentists with degrees in that specific area. All those who are staying in United Kingdom should look for dentists who have degrees in this area and have considerable experience. Before you select a dentist, you should take a look at all your problems. There are doctors who are proficient in a number of fields while others specialize in one particular area and will not be able to accommodate all cosmetic requirements.

Some patients need a bleaching procedure, while others will need extensive procedures which may involve even the gum. So before selecting the dentist, you should check his or her credentials and take a look at the area in which he is an expert. Some dentists specialize in cosmetic dentistry, while others are capable of handling all kinds of treatments of which cosmetic dentistry is only a part. In case of cosmetic treatments, you should have realistic expectations. You cannot expect magic from the doctors. They will try to rectify the problem as much as possible, but they cannot do magic.

Before you go for the surgery, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with the dentist stating your expectations and asking them frankly about the outcome of the procedure. If you have a missing tooth, you can go for tooth replacement surgery which is known as implants. Dental implants are safe and they are precise surgeries. The implants will act like an anchor and will support the replacement tooth or the crown of the tooth. This surgery can be dome on patients from different age groups. If you cannot wear a removable denture, then you can go for tooth implant.

Implant surgeons are specialized doctors. Before they operate on the teeth, they will look at the conditions and see if teeth implants are possible or not. Tooth implants have direct impact on oral health, so before you go for surgery, you should check the credentials of the surgeon. Some of the things that will be of primary importance are his experience, profile, success rate and the qualification of the doctor. It is a highly skilled job and you should never take any risks. Implant surgeons are trained in the field of cosmetic dentistry. He or she must understand the needs and demands of the patients before they take any decision. One of the best known dentists is Dr. Steve Legal. He will help you will all sorts of problems especially cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the specialized fields where you need good dentists with degrees in that specific area. All those who are staying in United Kingdom should look for dentists who have degrees in this area and have considerable experience. Before you select a dentist, you should take a look at all your problems.

A Podiatrist Can Take Care of Your Foot Problems

Where do you go when you have problems with your feet? Do you visit a Podiatrist or a general doctor? If you're like most people, you go to your general doctor. But a Podiatrist may be a better option when it comes to treating your feet.

Most people never even think to visit a Podiatrist. When something goes wrong with their body, they either try to fix it themselves or they visit a general doctor. But there are many conditions in which a Podiatrist would be the best person to visit.

Common foot and ankle problems can be easily treated by a general physician. Some can even be treated at home. Things like ingrown toenails and athlete's foot are common ailments that don't require the help of a Podiatrist. But your foot is more complicated than you realize. Plenty of things can go wrong that a general doctor may not be well equipped to handle.

Your general doctor may not know much about Achilles tendonitis, but it's a common and painful foot problem that a Podiatrist would recognize right away. Have you noticed that the arch in one of your feet has fallen? Your general doctor probably can't help you with that either. In fact, your doctor doesn't even examine your feet during a routine exam.

This is why Podiatrists exist. They are there to help with the two body parts most often ignored - your feet. If you go to your general doctor with foot problems, they'll probably just tell you to find a Podiatrist anyway.

Healthy feet are important. Most people don't realize the amount of stress they put on their feet. Take a moment to think about it. Your feet take the brunt of your weight every single day. You often squeeze them into shoes that are too tight. And some people spend time walking or running on hard surfaces every day.

Be kind to your feet and find a local Podiatrist. Don't go limping to a general doctor for your foot care. Chances are a local Podiatrist is the best option for you.

The Next Step

Click the links below to get more information about finding a Podiatrist. Having a convenient Podiatrist close to home is important for both you and the care of your feet.


What are the different types of burn?

Heat (or thermal) burns caused by contact with flames, hot liquids or appliances

Chemical burns caused by corrosive chemicals

Electrical burns caused by contact with electrical current or lightning

Sunburn caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun.

What determines the seriousness of a burn?

There are three categories of burn:
1. Superficial burn - a burn that affects only the outer surface of the skin. This type of burn is pink or red, with mild swelling and some pain. Usually, medical help is necessary only if a superficial burn covers a large area.
2. Partial thickness burn - a burn that damages, but doesn't completely destroy the full depth of the skin. It appears dark red and causes swelling, blisters and severe pain. Immediate medical attention is needed.
3. Full thickness burn - a burn that damages or destroys all layers of skin, hair follicles, muscle, nerves and other tissue. Immediate medical attention is needed.

What should I do if someone has been burned?

Whenever possible, put on a pair of disposable, preferably sterile gloves before touching someone with a burn. If disposable sterile gloves aren't available, use another type of barrier (such as a thickly folded dish towel or clean handkerchief), and wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching the person.

Never apply lotions, creams, ointments (including burn ointments).

Stop the burning process and immediately flood the affected area with cold water.

Do not touch the affected area or burst any blisters

Remove anything that may constrict the affected area if it swells.

Do not remove any material that is stuck to the burn.

Superficial burns

Stop the burning process by removing the person from the heat source

Hold the affected area under cold, running water until the pain is reduced and if necessary, add ice cubes to the water so it remains cold: never apply ice cubes directly to a burn.

If the burn is small, leave it uncovered, otherwise cover it with clean, non- fluffy material (such as cling film) so that it won't become infected.

Chemical burns

If the burn has been caused by a chemical:

Remove the chemical by flushing with large quantities of water for at least 20 minutes

Cover the area with a sterile gauze or other clean, non-fluffy material (such as cling film)

Take the person to hospital, along with a sample of the chemical, if possible

Electrical burns

When a person comes into contact with an electrical current, they usually suffer a shock and perhaps burns. These burns occur at the places where the current has gone in and out of the body. Any person who has come into contact with electricity may be in a critical condition, and at risk of a heart attack.

High-voltage injuries

If a person has been in contact with a high-voltage electrical current (1000 volts or more), such as power lines or overhead cables, you should stay at least 20 metres away until you have been told officially that the electricity has been turned off.

Low-voltage injuries

Disconnect the attachment plug from the electrical socket. If this is not possible, stand on a dry object and push the victim away from the source of the current using a dry broomstick.

Never touch a person who is in contact with a faulty appliance until the power has been turned off.

Sometimes electrical burns are hard to see - the skin may show little damage but the tissue underneath may be badly burned.

How can I prevent burns and electrical shocks at home?

Cover unused outlets with plastic covers

Keep all electrical appliances away from water

Do not overload electrical circuits with extension cords

Install smoke detectors and check them regularly

Store the fire extinguisher in an accessible place, and make sure everyone knows where it is and how to use it

Different Types of Burn and protect them from them...

Hemorrhoids Remedy - Effective Solution and Remedy to Hemorrhoids

As someone who has dealt with the pains and frustrations of having hemorrhoids, I can tell you I know it is not fun. A hemorrhoids remedy is as simple as you make it, and I am here to show you some steps I took that have been greatly effective towards reduction in symptoms as well as permanent resolution.

-Remove caffeine from your diet. Avoid the coffee and soda that you drink and replace it with an equal amount of water. It is recommended that you drink 64 ounces of water daily. This will help with passing stools as well as improve your general health. This is also an effective way of keeping the hemorrhoids from coming back in the future!

-Sleep with your legs raised. This will reduce the stress and tension from the hemorrhoids while you sleep and can be extremely effective at resolving the problem. This is a really great tip because you will wake up noticing the improvement. Just place a pillow or a blanket under your feet and you are good to go!

-Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eating these healthy products will make your digestive system run smoother as well improve your health and keep the hemorrhoids away once they are gone. You know what they say - "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" - well it's true!

-Take a warm bath daily. This will provide you relief to the irritating symptoms of itching, swelling, and pain. Try to take a warm bath with no soap added at least once daily, but you can take it however many times you would like. Just make sure to dry the anal area well after because moisture can be harmful to the treatment process.

Following just a few quick, easy, and private at home steps you can be well on your way to the hemorrhoids remedy! Make sure that you are consistent with your practices and you should see the problem gone in now time. Take action now, feel the relief right away!


What are bunions?

A bunion is inflammation of the soft tissues around the outer edge of the big toe at the joint where it is attached to the foot. The medical term for this type of inflammation is 'bursitis' and refers to the bursa or sac near the joint. Bunions are associated with various diseases of the joints including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis but usually there is no obvious underlying illness.

What causes bunions and who is at risk?

A bunion occurs as a result of a deformity in the big toe known as 'hallux valgus'. This is when the bone inside the foot which joins the big toe becomes displaced outwards and the joint rubs against the inside of footwear.

Hallux valgus, and bunions, occur almost exclusively in women. This may be because unknown genetic and anatomical factors predispose women to developing the condition, but is probably because women tend to wear ill-fitting shoes. High-heeled shoes, for example, put abnormal strains on the bones and muscles of the foot, and shoes which are tight around the foot force the big toe into a hallux valgus position. Once in this position, the big toe joint will rub against the inside of the tight, ill-fitting shoe causing inflammation in the bursal sac: bursitis or bunion.

Hallux valgus is much more common with increasing age, although it may occur in the young, but as hallux valgus increases with age so does the development of bunions.

Hallux valgus occurs commonly in osteoarthritis which is due to wear and tear of the joints. As a result of disease in the joint, the big toe can more easily become hallux valgus.

What are the common symptoms and complications of bunions?


Redness around the big toe joint

Swelling over the big toe joint

Difficulty in walking

If osteoarthritis is the underlying cause, there may also be pain in the joint, made worse by non-supportive footwear

How do doctors recognise bunions?

The diagnosis is made simply by the history of the complaint and a clinical examination of the toe. An X-ray may be taken to confirm this.

What is the treatment for bunions?

Hallux valgus is often preventable and treatable by wearing well-fitting footwear.

Self-care action plan

Wear well-fitting shoes

Avoid high-heeled or tight shoes

Get advice from a podiatrist on footwear

Padding over the bunion may help


Painkillers such as paracetamol or the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ibuprofen, will often help relieve the pain and inflammation. However, they will not reverse the progression of the condition and should only be considered as temporary relief while adequate footwear is tried.


If a change in footwear does not help, you may referred to an orthopaedic surgeon. The most common operation performed for bunions is called an excision arthroplasty. The surgeon will cut way the part of the big toe joint that is sticking out and causing the trouble.

What is the outcome of having bunions?

Bunions are so easily prevented and treated by wearing appropriate footwear that, in the absence of an underlying condition such as osteoarthritis, they should rarely require surgery. If a hallux valgus deformity does require surgery however, the operation is very successful.

A bunion is inflammation of the soft tissues around the outer edge of the big toe at the joint where it is attached to the foot.

Working at Home and Your Health

Working at home has lot of advantages. You are able to give more time to your family. You are able to save on gas. The commute is stress free. No need to buy expensive work clothes.Keeping that in mind, we do have a slight disadvantage in the area of health. People who work at home usually get less exercise than people who work out of home. We also put a lot of strain on our eyes and our back.

Recently a friend of mine had to undergo minor eye surgery for blurry vision caused due to eye strain. The doctor informed that 90% of people with his symptoms were in the IT field. Neck pain, back pain, Carpal tunnel syndrome are also common in people who work on the computer. Lot of sitting, not much movement can also cause loss of muscle mass, which can decrease a person's ability to keep weight off, since muscle is more effective at metabolizing calories than fat. So what can you do to help yourself remain healthy while working at home? Below are some tips to help you get started now.

Eat: Make sure to take a break for lunch and a small snack. Eat away from your computer and concentrate on your food.

Move: Walk for a little while even if it is for 5 minutes during your break. Get 30 minutes of walking at least 3 times a week.

Sit up straight: Make it a point to be aware of your posture. If it helps, put a sticky note on you desk to remind you of this. Buy a lumbar support to help you maintain a proper posture and support your lower back. Do not cross your legs (it restricts the blood flow). While sitting your feet should rest firmly on the floor with your thighs parallel to the ground.

Rest your eyes: For every hour you work, take a break for 5 minutes to rest your eyes. Leave your work desk and go look out the window. Exercise your eyes in the following way. Close your eyes. Put your palm over them and slowly move your palm in circles. After work, if possible, relax your eyes by putting a wet cloth over them for 5 minutes. Keep your monitor directly in front of you and at least 20 inches away in a position that you do not have to look up. It should be positioned such that there is no glare coming off the screen. Ideally the ambient light should be 3 times brighter than your screen light.

Take care of your neck: When you take your 5 minute break, rotate your neck too.

Keep yourself hydrated: Drink lots of water. Keep a bottle of water on your desk where you can see it. Drink out of it frequently.

Snack healthy: Keep healthy snacks within your reach at your desk. Ziploc bags with nuts and dried fruits are great energy boosters.

These are really easy tips that you can do everyday. It will help you stay healthy and hopefully avoid eye, neck and back problems.

Eating disorders - anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

What are eating disorders?

Everyone needs food to survive. But for some people, food can become an overwhelming and destructive force that can completely dominate their thoughts, feelings and actions.

What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia?

Anorexia is an illness that occurs mainly in teenage girls, although increasingly boys suffer from it too. People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin and are terrified of gaining weight. As a result, they starve themselves (especially avoiding high-calorie foods), and exercise obsessively until they become extremely thin and well below the normal weight for their age and height.

Bulimia usually affects women in their early to mid-twenties. People with bulimia are also terrified of gaining weight, but they can usually keep within a normal weight. This is because they eat very large amounts of fattening food (called 'bingeing'), but then get rid of that food by vomiting or by taking laxatives.

Why do people get these eating disorders?

A fear of not being able to cope or feeling overwhelmed are common among people with anorexia or bulimia. Denying themselves food may be one way to establish some control in their lives. Others may resort to food to block out disturbing feelings. People with bulimia are often unsure of themselves, lack confidence in their abilities or suffer from depression. Binge eating may be one way to cope with these unhappy, unsettled feelings.

Today's 'thin is beautiful' image may be a contributing factor. The waif-like ideal promoted through the media can put pressure on women of all ages to diet.

What health problems are caused by anorexia and bulimia?

Anorexia can cause many serious health problems. Usually women stop having their menstrual periods. Dry skin and thinning hair on the head are common, although fine hair may grow on other parts of the body. If severe anorexia isn't treated, the person may die.

However, continually vomiting and/or taking laxatives causes other health problems, which include a puffy face and swollen fingers, muscle weakness, stomach pains, long-term constipation and tooth decay as, over time, the stomach acid brought up by vomiting dissolves the tooth enamel.

How are these eating disorders treated?

The first treatment step is to bring the person back to, or near, an acceptable weight. This means making sure the person has regular meals with the family and eats enough calories to gain weight.

With bulimia, the priority is to re-establish a consistent pattern of eating, with three meals a day at regular times. Keeping a diary of eating habits and learning about healthy eating and sensible weight control are often helpful..

How can family and friends help?

Unwanted pressure or criticism from others usually makes matters worse. If possible, accept their behaviour instead of confronting them with it. Unless it's a life-threatening situation, try to let the person make his or her own choices and let the person know that love and support is consistently there.

Is it possible to get over an eating disorder?

Yes - it can be a long and difficult process. Sufferers may need to have psychotherapy for months or years, and relapses can occur in times of stress. Approximately 50% of people with anorexia who are treated in hospital continue to have symptoms for many years.

Everyone needs food to survive. But for some people, food can become an overwhelming and destructive force

Cure For Hemorrhoids - How to Cure Hemorrhoids Now

If you're like I was when I was affected by hemorrhoids, you want to find a cure for hemorrhoids as soon as possible. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use to get the problem resolved now. Don't put treatment off another day!

-Exercise lightly every day.. You can take a 20 - 30 minute long walk around the neighborhood two days a week and that will be sufficient.

-Use an icepack on the affected area up to five times daily.. Apply off and on for 15 - 20 minutes each time.

-Take a warm bath with the affected area submerged in water.. Make sure the water is warm, not hot. Hot water can further damage the tissue in the recovery process. This will reduce pain, irritation, and itching.

-Increase your fiber intake.. Fiber can be found naturally in many foods, whole grain products are good to eat as they are high in fiber which will soften stool and help with bowel movement.

-Inflamed hemorrhoids respond well to ice pack treatment.. The application of an ice pack can help with the swelling, pain, and itching of hemorrhoids. The best way to do this is to fill a bag with water and let it freeze. Once you have a frozen icepack, apply it to the area that is affected for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this process up to five times a day.

-Avoid drinking soda as well as any other product containing caffeine.. Coffee, soda, and energy drinks can all prolong the hemorrhoids and work against curing them. Also alcoholic beverages will delay the recovery of hemorrhoids. Beer, wine, and liquor should be avoided until the hemorrhoids are clear. Lastly, you should avoid eating any citrus fruits. Fruits like lemons and limes will actually be working against the treatments you are doing to cure the hemorrhoids.

A cure for hemorrhoids is simple and the methods have been proven to work by scientists. I can tell you from personal experience that these are some of the tips that helped me along the way. The best thing you can do is stop procrastinating and start putting some of these tips into action to get your hemorrhoids out of the way as soon as possible... so avoid the pain, itching, and embarrassment and get your hemorrhoids cured now!