pharmacy health

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Hemorrhoids and Home Hemorrhoid Cures

Hemorrhoids (also known as piles) are a relatively common illness nowadays. As soon as hemorrhoids have been discovered, they should be treated immediately. Delay in treatment can lead to not only ongoing problems but worsening of problems. Hemorrhoids form due to swelling in the veins inside the rectum. Symptoms include swelling, itching, bleeding, pain while walking and sitting, and also redness. Hemorrhoids come in a few different forms, they are most commonly internal or external. Prolapsed hemorrhoids and strangulated hemorrhoids are other forms of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are most common in people aged around 50 years old. Several factors increase your chances of getting hemorrhoids, some of these include straining, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy, coughing severely, constipation, obesity, and poor posture.

Certain steps can be taken in order to cure hemorrhoids. These include drinking lots of liquids, exercising and eating fiber rich food. You must also reduce the time spent straining during bowel movements as every moment you spend sitting on the toilet places more pressure on your anal veins. It is also important to wash the area well with cold water and soap.

This reduces the irritation and itching caused by the hemorrhoid. After you wash you must dry the area completely. Warm sitz baths and a cold compress will also help reduce the pain. Your posture is very important both for prevention and cure.

One of the reasons hemorrhoids occur is due to having weak anal vein walls. These need to be strengthened in order to cure hemorrhoids and to avoid having a relapse. Different herbs have been used well for thousands of years to help cure hemorrhoids. These include Butchers Broom, Horse Chestnut, and Bromelain. Anti-inflammatory medications tend to work best as they relax the muscles and are not invasive. If you suffer from hemorrhoids you should avoid drinking coffee and alcohol. You should also stare clear of cheeses, milk, and other dairy products.

One way you can help to harden your stools is by increasing the amount of fiber in your diet. When you do this make sure that you also increase the amount of water/fluid you are drinking.

Natural hemorrhoid cures such as H Miracle and Venapro have proven themselves to be extremely effective in fast healing and pain relief for thousands of hemorrhoid sufferers worldwide. Below are a couple of links listing a website where you can find much more information about both H Miracle and Venapro as well as a range of other solutions to help you cure your hemorrhoids.



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