pharmacy health

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Cellulite Treatment - 5 Techniques to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite, also known as orange peel or cottage cheesy appearing skin, is nothing but an accumulation of ugly fatty tissues beneath the skin. The skin then looks dimply and bad. There are many ways for cellulite treatment. Let us learn some of them:-

Dry Skin Brushing: If you have a dry skin, try to brush it at least twice every day; say when you get up and when you go to the bed. Skin brushing helps in providing many benefits in the treatment of cellulite as it serves as exercise for the skin and tightens the underlying dermis and pattern of collagen present in subdermal layer.

Brushing may also stimulate the growth and repair of the tissues as it increases blood flow to the area. It also helps removing toxic materials and metabolic wastes out of the cellular fluids and hence makes it toxic-free.

Hormones: Cellulite can also be because of some hormonal imbalances and insufficiency. Cellulite treatment depends upon the cause. For instance, high levels of estrogen from some medications can store the fatty tissues that gradually bulge and push out the skin that appear as cellulite. That is why, if a woman is using birth control pills for contraception, she must ask her health care provider for a lower-estrogen dose formula or a non-hormonal medication like IUD.

Habits: Cellulite treatment also includes taking care of your habits such as crossing your legs, knees and ankles. This may reduce the blood circulation and may increase the swelling. One should try to keep moving and give up the sedentary lifestyle.

Exercises: Regular exercises are necessary for the cellulite treatment. Not only does it help reducing the appearance of cellulite as it burns the fatty acids those cause the cellulite. It also helps improving the blood circulation and helps in removing the toxin-filled garbage away from the skin.
Body Wraps: Cellulite treatment may include some special body wraps. Body wraps are readily available on the market and there are some recipes through which, you can make your own body wrap for cellulite treatment at home.

Ayurvedic Therapies: Ayurveda has many ways for cellulite treatment. One of the special therapies called as Ayurveda Panchakarma is reported to be useful in healing and ironing up the cellulite marks. For this, the patient may need to undergo various Ayurvedic treatments such as massage, powder massage and steaming. Ayurvedic scholars take this situation as improper accumulation of the fatty layers on some special parts of the body such as thighs, abdomen, breasts, armpits and waist. Ayurvedic therapies help to loose, melt and drain fatty tissues

All in all, if you really work hard on the orange peel or cottage cheese appearing skin with some anti-cellulite treatment, proper dietary pattern, some useful exercises and healthy lifestyle, it is quite possible to get back the original shape and texture of the skin that you have lost due to cellulite. Once you get back your skin, you should also work hard to maintain it and prevent recurrence of the cellulite.

Cellulite, also known as orange peel or cottage cheesy appearing skin, is nothing but an accumulation of ugly fatty tissues beneath the skin. The skin then looks dimply and bad. There are many ways for cellulite treatment.



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