pharmacy health

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Do You Need Motivation?

Do not worry; eat three square meals a day; say your prayers; be courteous to your creditors; keep your digestion good; exercise; go slow and easy. Maybe there are other things your special case requires to make you happy; but, my friend, these I reckon will give you a good life. -Abraham Lincoln

What inspiring and motivational words by a man who changed the world and had no idea the impact that he made. How very simple yet powerful words and the message they send to each and every one of us. As a personal trainer every day I encounter people that just want to feel physically and very often mentally better than they presently do. My response to them is to make small changes in their lifestyle and enjoy the small accomplishments.

For example:

1. Eliminate all white flour and sugar from your diet.

2. Do not eat any starch, fruit or whole grains after 4pm. Stick to 4-6 ounces of lean

protein and 2 vegetables approximately 1/2 cup of each cooked or 1 cup of each raw.

Use spices to season and avoid adding salt. Try lemon juice for flavor.

3. Start a walking/activity routine for 20 minutes a day.

These are 3 very simple changes you can make to your present day living that will make a big impact on your energy level and weight but you must be consistent and stick to it for a month. Too many people give up too soon and it takes time and patience but most of all consistency. After a month, you are ready to challenge yourself more. Look for additional articles to help you jump, yes jump to the next step.

Don't make life and harder than it is. Life and feeling your best does not have to be complicated as Abe Lincoln so eloquently put it. The positive effects of exercise are the difference between living a full life and just existing. Every time I finish a training session with one of my clients 90 percent of the time they admit how good they feel in fact they are so happy they are exercising and they feel so...good.

What about you? Do you need motivation? Are you sitting their reading this article and maybe thinking about starting to take a brisk walk or even a short bike ride? Well, just get started right now! I guarantee it will bring a smile to your face. Just try it you'll like it!



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