pharmacy health

Sunday 22 March 2009

Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Treatment - 3 Days Cure

In general, women are not aware of the bacterial vaginosis natural treatment. Therefore, they suffer longer under the treatment of their physician which only temporarily alleviates the symptoms. In 50% of the cases, there are no symptoms, which mean that women suffering from this disease even do not consult their physician.

In 70% of the cases, it is mistaken for yeast infection. The disease has already run its course and become chronic by the time it is diagnosed. Even if it were diagnosed early, long term recurrence is distressingly common even after oral or intravaginal treatment. No data on vaginal or oral preparations is available for the treatment or prevention of the recurrence of the disease. 

Your doctor who knows what is best for you, very often prescribes antibiotics to combat the rash in the vagina, excessive oozing of fluid and fishy smell with many side effects and no permanent relief. The disease returns with more severity in 30% of the cases after the treatment is stopped by your physician i.e. its symptoms get worse each time it recurs. 

On the other hand, bacterial vaginosis natural treatment has no side effects and it is the only safe and fast way to cure the disease. You start feeling the relief on the very first day and in a few days the disease is permanently gone.  It goes to the root of the problem and eradicates the bad bacteria which caused the disease and tends to promote the growth of good bacteria to help your immune system to stop the growth of bad bacteria again. It repairs the imbalances in your vital dynamis, i.e. the vital force in your body to fight the disease by removing the causes of the disease permanently.



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