pharmacy health

Sunday 15 March 2009

Is There Evidence That Water Fountains Provide Health Benefits?

Some people believe that water fountains are practical decorations that yield a host of health benefits. Some believe that wall fountains may fight disease, others insist that a well-placed fountain can enhance cognitive function. but is there any truth in this? Sure, fountains are charming and effective decorations, and they certainly add character to a home, but how beneficial can they really be?

The problem with these claims is that there is not a lot of hard evidence to support them. The unfortunate thing is that very few impartial studies have been conducted over the years, and those that do often get very little publicity or merit in the scientific community. Some experiments have been conducted, however, that show that there is in fact a correlation between wall fountains and personal health. Water fountains may not exactly cause better health, but something about them at least seems to improve a person's overall well being. Let's examine some of the "health claims" regarding water fountains.

Some people laud the importance of "negative ions," which are produced by water fountains, and say that these particles improve general respiratory function and strengthen your body's immune system against certain diseases and mental issues." These negative ions are in fact not ions at all. They are actually a number of negatively charged oxygen and/or nitrogen molecules that are surrounded by water molecules. Studies have shown that these "ions" don't actively clean the air, nor do they produce any great benefits. However, the negatively charged particles in negative ions tend to attract (and subsequently bond to) bioaerosols and dust particles in the air. This dampens these potentially harmful particles, weighing them down until they literally drop to the floor. This does limit the antagonistic effects of common air pollution, which theoretically could lead to improved breathing and air cleanliness. While direct evidence is a little lacking, anecdotally negative ions actually do seem to improve air cleanliness, especially in contained spaces. An indoor wall fountain may subtly enhance the breathability of the air in your office or at home.

It has also been suggested that a wall water fountain "enhances concentration" and reduces stress. Again, there have not been many scientific studies to confirm this, though anecdotes abound. Naturopathic medicine, which emphasizes natural cures for common ailments, implies that sitting by a waterfall, or even an active water fountain, may be effective treatment. Some evidence exists that implies some water fountains may facilitate clear thinking and general mental satisfaction, although listening to a fountain while breathing in the fresh air may not immediately enhance your cognitive capabilities. As previously suggested, these "ions" do have a proclivity for removing malicious airborne agents and bioaerosols from your air, and simultaneously producing more oxygen particles. This means that your brain will be allowed more oxygen with every breath you take, which in turn may mildly improve awareness. In terms of stress relief, I feel that wall fountains are absolutely effective at relaxing a busy mind. Natural sounds have a soothing affect on the mind, in a similar fashion to classical music or gentle lullabies. It is not uncommon for business owners to put wall fountains in their office, as this seems to slightly improve employee morale and alleviate stress. I believe that this correlative relationship is fairly assuring, even if it is evident that no "causal" relationship actually exists.

So it seems that, while the boasts and claims made by fountain manufacturers and online salespersons may not be completely without veracity, they do tend to be deficient in formal scientific proof. But there does seem to be an anecdotal precedent for a correlative relationship between water fountain ownership and overall improved health. It may not totally prevent disease, and it certainly isn't a cure, but a good wall fountain may help improve your health and peace of mind in a general way (plus, they look really great).



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