pharmacy health

Saturday 14 March 2009

Six Steps to a Healthier You - Fresh Air and Sunshine - Part 3

Our kids go to schools and attend classes where the windows are closed and the lightening is artificial. We keep the windows in our homes closed. We cover them with blinds and drapes and curtains. We stay inside and read or watch TV or surf the net. When we go camping, we stay in self-contained RV's, often with the windows closed. We seem to have gotten afraid of fresh air. If we get too cold, we might catch cold. We think we'd better stay inside just in case. How do we make some changes?

Getting back to basics is a good idea in so many areas of our lives, including getting more fresh air and sunshine.. Years ago our grandparents and their parents worked hard outside every day, rain or shine. After all, the cows had to be fed and milked, and the other animals care for, no matter the weather. Grandpa and Grandma got lots of fresh air and sunshine. I dare say that they didn't have too much time to get depressed or be stressed out about the evening news, or worry about what their neighbors were wearing or driving or where they were vacationing.

It is important that we remember how much better we'd feel if we got more fresh air and sunshine. Scientific studies have been done showing how natural sunlight improves our immune system. People who live in areas where there is a plenty of sunshine each day are less prone to depressions and nervous disorders. Scientists have also shown that the effect of natural sunshine directly on our skin helps the body produce Vitamin D, an essential nutrient for good health. If you're having trouble sleeping at night, fresh air, sunshine, physical exercise during the day might be just the answer.

I don't recommend going back to "the good ol' days," not entirely. But we can take a lesson from those who went before. You might not be planning to buy a cow, and unless you're already a farmer you probably won't start plowing fields any time soon. So what can we do? How can we get more fresh air, more natural sunlight, more benefits from these two?

Here are a few suggestions:

-plant and care for a garden

-get in the habit of going for a walk

-take your dog for a walk

-take your neighbor's dog for a walk

-open the windows in your home

-as much as possible, sleep with the window open at least enough to let in some fresh air

-exercise outdoors whenever you can

-walk to work

-go for an outdoor walk on your lunch break

I'm sure you can think of more. Make a conscious effort to increase the time you spend in the outdoors, in the natural, health-giving fresh air. Start a new habit. Think back on this past week. How much time did you spend outside? Did you get enough fresh air? Did you feel the sunshine on your skin? If not, start now to do better and be healthier. Set a goal to spend at least twenty minutes outside. Then when we get together for next week's healthy article on relaxation, you'll be well on your way. As always I wish you health, harmony, and happiness.



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