pharmacy health

Saturday 7 March 2009

3 Simple and Critical Steps to Stop Blushing

It can be embarrassing to have deep facial blushing for no reason at all. The blush can spread all the way down your neck. A red face is not to be ignored. It could be the sign of a medical condition. But, if you go to your doctor and it seems the cause is not medical but psychological, are you stuck with a red face forever? No. Here are three simple and critical steps to stop blushing.

Step One: Take A Deep Breath

You need plenty of oxygen to stay calm and relaxed when you think you are blushing. You can't stop blushing if you are holding your breath or breathing very fast. This cuts the supply of oxygen in your blood supply and in your brain. How does your body respond? Usually by panicking, which brings on more blushing. You can stop this cycle by breathing deeply for two or three breaths and then breathing as naturally as you can.

Step Two: Think Cool

Before you go out mixing with other people, imagine that you are stuck in an ice water bath in the middle of an Antarctic winter. Even look at pictures of blizzards and frosty snowmen to get you in the mood. Why bother doing this? When you blush, you tend to feel hot all over. By thinking cool, you can stay cool and stop blushing.

Step Three: Don't Stop

Just because you blush doesn't mean you should go into isolation. Continue going to all of the places you normally would and interacting with people just like nothing was amiss. If you don't make a big fuss over your blushing, no one else will, either. And over time, you will see that the sky will not fall if you happen to blush in public. Who knows? Maybe everyone else secretly is trying to stop blushing, too.



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