pharmacy health

Sunday 15 March 2009

How to Get Taller Naturally - Top 7 Useful Tips on Growing Taller Naturally

Do you wish you could get taller? Well, if you are still going through puberty it can be done. But, what if you are an adult? You can still add 1-2 inches of height, but you need to know some important things. It's not possible to lengthen your bones after the growth plates are closed, unless you go through surgery. The only thing you can do is to use special exercises and fix the curvatures in your spine, which rob you of extra height.

Here are 7 proven tips to get taller naturally:

  1. Get a good night's sleep: during sleep your body produces human growth hormones. You need to go to bed early and at the same time every night.
  2. Include certain foods in your diet: some examples are: milk, because it contains calcium, eggs and fish because they are high in protein and also legumes.
  3. Eliminate foods that stunt your growth: avoid refined sugar, coffee, simple carbohydrates like white bread and of course junk food.
  4. Start taking supplements: supplements that include amino acid glycine can stimulate the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), especially if you take them before working out.
  5. Eat small meals instead of large ones: eating large meals causes the production of large amounts of insulin, which inhibits the release of HGH.
  6. Change the way you dress: this will not actually make you taller, but will give the illusion of height. Start wearing clothes with vertical pinstripes and clothes of the same color. Also, correct your posture and sit up straight with your head up.
  7. Do a lot of exercises: swimming, hanging and sprint bursts can help you grow faster, but you really need to incorporate special stretching exercises into your daily workouts. These exercises will make your bones healthy and strong and will enhance your growth.



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