pharmacy health

Monday 24 August 2009

Dieting Can Be Made Easier by Juicing to Produce a Raw Food Option

The thought of starting a diet can be the worst part of it. Those awful days before starting a new eating routine fills most dieters with dread - no more burgers; no more French fries; platefuls of unappetizing salads without dressing.

Taking a different approach to dieting can improve matters considerably. Looking upon the new eating plan as the start of a brand new life can make the process both interesting and beneficial.

The major drawback to dieting and the one which derails most dieters is hunger. Hunger is just terrible. It eats away at your resolve, makes you irritable and tetchy, causes dizziness and trembling and generally sabotages everything. Overcoming hunger is the key to successful dieting and if you can add some energy to the equation you will have a better chance of sticking with a new food regime.

A raw food element is the way forward. Raw foods consumed in quantity will provide an enormous reserve of energy to keep you going throughout the day without having to snack to stave off hunger pains. The problem is: how do we consume enough raw food to make a difference? The answer is juicing.

Juicing raw foods in quantity each day can make the difference you are looking for. The kind of breakfast people eat before leaving for work has the effect of making them feel full for a short period of time. Raw foods juiced into a delicious drink provides far more nourishment and also supplies a level of energy sufficient to last until at least lunchtime and even then, a light lunch will suffice.

Sounds great doesn't it? Make sure the ingredients you are juicing are organic and fresh and keep them appropriately stored to ensure your juice is healthy. Get a good quality cold press masticating juicer so you can take advantage of the nutrients found in foods that require low speed juicing such as wheat grass. Do not try juicing your food in a standard blender; a blender is not designed to break down the kind of foods you will want to juice. Good quality cold press juicers carry a lengthy guarantee so they last for years.

Whatever food path you have chosen to follow, juicing provides a wonderful structure for a daily consumption of nutrients and vitamins that might be missing in your diet. Adding supplements to your juicing recipes can further enhance your chances of successful dieting and by the time you have reached the second week you will wonder how you ever survived without your daily raw food intake.

People who try to consume raw foods whole rarely manage to attain a sufficient amount to make a real difference to their energy levels. Have you ever tried to consume a carrot; a stick of celery; an apple; a cup of pineapple and a handful of spinach? It would take an hour to eat it and probably another hour lying down in a darkened room to get over the experience. Drinking a glass of juice takes ten minutes: it is also delicious.


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