pharmacy health

Sunday 1 March 2009

Only Women Get Cellulite

Only Women get Cellulite

Or is it that only women complain about it? Or is it that only women expose themselves in bikinis at the beach whereas men get away with long board shorts and a T-shirt? Regardless there is a simple explanation yet is a little involved so I will explain to you how it all works, why mostly cellulite only appears in women and how some men can get it too.

Firstly you need to understand what is causing your bumpy thighs. If you have cellulite or you are interested in women's health then you will have seen the absolute multitude of definitions of cellulite that there are and have been over the last four or five decades! The theories, terms and explanations of this modern problem are varied, some hit the mark, some get it partly right and some are just plain old hilarious! Now and then I will surf looking for answers to what other people claim it is just for a bit of a laugh. Unfortunately I end up getting really upset so I try not to do it any more.

The reason I get upset is really one and the same with what drives me to write about women't issues, but I will endeavor not to digress too much. It causes me great concern when I hear or read some of the stories out there that women are being told about their cellulite. Especially the people that say that women are supposed to have it and must put up with it. It is my mission in life to help women every where understand that not only are they not meant to have this problem, but that it is really, really easy to get rid of.

Cellulite is waste that our body is unable to process. For instance some things we keep (our body uses the food/fuel), some things we throw away in the garbage (our body eliminates). In these modern times of food habits and not just the last few decades which include an onslaught of takeaway foods but I am talking about the last few hundred years, we are eating and consuming more and more foods that our bodies were not designed to use and simply do not recognize. Processed foods contain preservatives, additives, colours and a number of chemical and synthetic substances that our body has not a clue how to deal with.

So our body has all these awful unnatural stuffs creeping around our body, clogging everything up, making our blood thick, blocking our arteries and generally interfering with our bodies normal, metabolic, cleansing and eliminatory systems. Or if you prefer: intake, assimilation and elimination.

Let us get to the point. Women are equipped with this wonderful and industrious little hormone called oestrogen. Most of us are familiar with this hormone as it affects us in many ways and is always at work, some times harder at work than other times. One of oestrogen's main jobs is to keep the reproduction organs clear and safe from any danger. These chemicals that we eat and put on our body become toxic within our systems and it is these toxins that the estrogen moves to the outer parts of our body, away from our reproductive system. These areas being also where there is a higher fat content as the toxins can sit in there relatively safely, unable to cause too much harm.

Fat cells and fat in general is basically a rather consistent smooth beast and can plump our skin quite nicely and have us looking toned and beautiful. Add to this fat layer under our skin some randomly shaped toxins and general waste and you have what we refer to as a dimpling appearance of the skin. The more you have the more lumpy and bumpy your outer areas appear to be. The cellulite will first appear in your buttocks and thighs, then legs, upper arms, even stomach; usually in that order.

Aha you think to yourself, that explains why we see this problem so prominently in women as the hormone oestrogen is exclusively found in women, but cellulite also shows up in men how? You would be amazed to know just how many foods contain oestrogen and oestrogen like qualities. Certain foods such as soy and tofu contain hormone-like compounds called phytoestrogens which are plant-based foods high in oestrogen-like compounds. Yeah I know not a lot of men are craving tofu - but they do drink beer! Beer is made from Hops and oestrogen is present in hops so will be present in beer. At least it is helping to clear out his arteries as toxins do clog up arteries, which is why generally men have been more susceptible to heart disease than women.

Ok so I hope I have explained clearly why mostly only women get cellulite. I realise I have gone on a bit but I wanted to be thorough and honestly once you get me started on this issue or related topic it is difficult for me to keep it brief.

By the way oestrogen is oft spelled estrogen. Estrogen is the more modern spelling and is used widely in the US. I am and Aussie girl so grew up under English law and education and I just can't break the habit, sorry if there was any confusion.



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