pharmacy health

Sunday 1 March 2009

Why Cellulite Creams Don't Work

Everywhere we look for a treatment to our lumpy bumpy dimpled thighs we see creams and potions promising a miracle in a jar. There are a multitude of them on the market. Most of the bigger companies have some sort of cellulite removal cream on the market, all trying to get there piece of the big pie.

Well I am sorry to tell you but they don't work. It is actually chemically impossible for them to work and to make matters worse they can cause more damage than they are worth.

To explain why these creams don't work I will do this by describing what does work. What does penetrate the skin, what will be absorbed by the skin to fix, heal and benefit the body?

For anything to pass through, penetrate or be absorbed by the skin it must be of a particular molecular structure. Essential Oils will do this as will other certain carrier oils.

Plant derived oils are of the precise molecular structure that can enter into the system via the skin eliminatory organ. In fact they can easily penetrate the outer layers of the skin, pores and the olfactory system. An essential oil contains the life force of the plant from which it comes. Each essential oil contains individual benefits to which the body and mind respond depending on which oil is used and for what reason.

It is a well known fact in the world of natural medicine that certain essential oils, can and do get rid of cellulite, with very little effort and has been used by aromatherapists and masseuses the world over fo rmany decades.

Unfortunately for us, the skin does not only absorb things and substances that are good for us, the skin can take in the good, the bad and the ugly. When I first talk to someone about their lumpy thighs I consult them in their own home. Not only do I need to see what they have in their kitchen to see what they consume orally, I also have a look in their bathroom cupboard as well to see what is going into their systems via their skin.

You may be doing everything right, eating well, going to the gym, drinking lots of water, and yet still you can't get completely healthy and have those awful dimples on your thighs; because you are putting chemicals into your skin every day and night.

Right so let's get to the point. These wonderful creams may even contain essential oils, BUT the only way for an essential oil to pass into the skin is within a 'carrier' oil that then literally and figuratively carries the essential oils in through the skin and into the blood, organs, tissues, memory and emotional centres of the body. So the $200 jar of cream is instantly worthless as it will not do the work it promises.

So for two reasons, forget the creams. 1. They can't do what they promise as they won't completely enter the skin to do the work that is promised on the back of the jar, and 2. They will give you more than you bargained for putting harmful chemicals on your skin, and some chemicals can enter your system as they are now clever enough to make these synthetic substances of the molecular structure that is able to enter your system.



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